Libre 11 can't switch workspaces

Hello sorry for the noob question I am not a gnome user, I used i3 for 13 years and now on all my desktops and laptops I have sway so I am trying to get used to the pureos window manager.
I have read that draging the window for example firefox to the right will create a new workspace, but instead is changing the window size, I went to settings and I dissabled this, but same :frowning: I am using to having tiling windows but if I can run each of my apps on a diff workspace I will be happy.

thank you.

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The Librem 11 uses Phosh rather than GNOME itself. There is no concept of workspaces and Phosh does not have proper tiling support yet (list of issues related to tiling: If you have the Librem 11 docked to something like a Nexdock, I believe the window mode will switch to a floating window mode and then you can use shortcuts such as Super+Left/Right.

There is a workaround as Guido points out:

You can have apps side by side by disabling auto-maxmize in phoc see

gsettings get sm.puri.phoc auto-maximize

which then allows you to drag windows and tile them to the left and right edge of the screen by touching the screen edge. Not perfect but should be a start.

Auto-maximize currently always gets turned on again via ā€œundocked modeā€ so I think what youā€™re after is a tiling mode that gets turned on for larger screens and allows to have at least two windows side by side automatically? That would indeed be great to have.

An alternative you can try is to install a different distro (as it uses the x86_64 architecture) and set up i3/Sway with that. This might mean it would be more difficult to use the device without having a keyboard attached or docking it.


You might want to look at
It is a i3/sway ui for touch used on linux phones. I do not know if this will work on L11.


Hey, thank you! Yeah, I think I may have been understood wrong I love tiling windows, but I can live with what I have, I am trying to make it work for me, I am just trying to make it, so I donā€™t use the touch screen as much and the librem 11 keyboard more. Is why I was hoping for workspaces,I have the latest librem 11 from this last month. I see workspaces on the settings but not sure if is disabled I set it up to 4. on Librem 11 you do can do Super left/Right, thank you! but it breaks the program in half like Firefox to half a screen hideous I actually want the opposite, I found out that Super+down/up will do what I need. If I can have all my windows maximized, then I can switch from one to the other as a type of ā€œworkspacesā€, I have compiled a bunch of my own rust/go programs I wrote that are TUIS and with max screen they work great + slrn for new usenet, tut for mastodon, and iamb for matrix I am a big TUI person I think the only time I am using this as a tablet is for reading at night and to watch videos using invidious with FreeTube. So thank you for the Super+ tip! it has changed for the better the way I work on it.
is there a way to add Debian repos like for example with security tools like blackarch to Arch GNU/Linux ?

Oh, thanks for pointing out is Phos not gnome I really appreciate it, so does it run on wayland/wlroots ( was checking out their git repo )
if this is the case I want to install foot terminal instead of alacritty since it suppors sixel and me using a lot of TUI appsā€¦ This will be great.

Thank you!

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