Librem 14 Fluctuating Stock

It could be that the “in stock” status was done in error, or in anticipation of parts which got delayed in transport. Probably better you didn’t place an order when it showed in stock, you might find yourself stuck with a back order with unknown shipping status.

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I am a user; not affiliated with Purism.

I ordered mine start of August 2023, and received it in November or something like that. I might’ve slowed down the shipping time because I took a vacation and told Purism support I was on vacation somewhere in there. So it was probably backordered somewhere in there, but ended up shipping in about 3-4 months.

Since then, I use it a lot. Seems like a nice device. Maybe they instantly sell out when available, because customers like to feel like they own their hardware and privacy is a concern. Lots of computers these days want us to believe that privacy means sending all of our files and life history into their cloud server for safe keeping.

Sent from my Librem 14

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I am User and Superfans for Purism. :wink:

Sent from my Librem 14 v1-01

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When you ordered yours was it listed as in stock or on backorder, if you remember?

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The email says Backordered: 1


I’m just a user and this is rampant speculation … if there were already a significant number of backordered units, then, as new stock comes in, it will very quickly get eaten up by fulfilling backorders, and so very quickly go back to being out of stock.

It depends whether a supplier (in this case Purism) wants to publish

  • actual quantity on hand, v.
  • net available inventory.

It is unfortunate that Purism doesn’t want to provide more concrete information. Maybe you should go back to them and ask, rather than that you have to poll the web site every 2 weeks, can they notify you when stock status changes?

@JCS ?

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That would be helpful. A little “notify me when back in stock” that is common on many websites. I would also appreciate a little transparency from them. “Oh, we’ve got an order in for new parts. Expected to be delivered in x weeks.” Of course the reason might not be so simple. Looks like just about everything on the site is on backorder.

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They definitely should implement that.

However, Purism may be reluctant to say something like this:

because they’ve been publicly and vehemently castigated in the past for publishing shipping estimates that had to be adjusted multiple times, due to unforeseen supply problems, e.g. COVID-19, manufacturer issues, etc. Somehow, the concept of “estimates” always becomes “promises” in people’s minds.

That said, they do indicate expected availability in the Shop.

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Next question, will the newly announced Librem 16 affect Librem 14 stock? Is the L16 a replacement for the L14 or will both units be sold side by side?


It should not, and both units will be sold separately.

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That would be my expectation too but speculation by customers is exactly that.

If @TacticalPandaLE wants an answer then he or she will have to ask Purism, with the caveat that the Librem 16 has only just had its next phase of pre-announcement i.e. is not a released product as yet.


Yes indeedy. That’s why I just wrote “when stock status changes”. So you don’t have to poll the web site. They notify you when you should check the web site - and the web site will say whatever Purism wants to say (which probably isn’t committing to an exact time frame).


To be fair, I’m only offering speculation. I was looking into an L14, but bought a refurbished T400 instead because the back ordered status didn’t appear to be changing anytime soon. It was a long wait to get the L5, I don’t have the fortitude to repeat that with the L14.

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what cpu speed?

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fwiw this is not the experience of all customers. Mine has been running well, although it also took a few months to ship

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2.53 GHz. (Quad core). Bios has also been flashed with libreboot.


Can you share the cpu model?

Libreboot it is NOT Free Software anymore but Open Source which mean it is Unsecurity by including Blobs by defaults so better to use Coreboot.

EDITADO: Sometimes when i go to the store for cooking oil for my family i see that some bottles say in big letters avocado oil on the front label but when i check the back label i see that the avocado oil is 5% only and the rest is canola or whatever which is a Scam for people. The same is for the Open Source label it is a Scam.

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Intel Core 2 Extreme Q9300.

First I’m hearing of it. You don’t happen to have a source for that do you? Bios was already flashed when I bought it, not sure I have the technical know-how to change it.

Edit-nvrmind, I found it on their own website. that is a shame to hear.


Wow sound like the most powerful RYF x86 machine. Very nice Laptop with this CPU model. Enjoy!


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Getting ghosted by support