Librem 14: Review and Comparison to Librem 13

A bug that has been fixed?

Location of this up arrow key is killing me because I keep hitting it aiming for shift but am adjusting

mic is unuseable, which is frustrating (the keyboard light thing is not fixing it for me)

Iā€™m also frustrated thereā€™s one physical switch for the camera and the mic. really wanted those broken out. Itā€™s not unusual to want the mic and not the video

But then again since my mic is unuseable i guess my camera basically is as well

After updating the Librem 14 EC Firmware to the latest version (2021-08-03_05d9990) following the instructions here, the Librem 14 is now significantly quieter. Starting up several virtual machines in Qubes while streaming HD video fullscreen in another virtual machine, the sound of the fans resembles a purring cat.

There is an unexpected issue that I have encountered after applying this EC Firmware update, which might be Qubes-specific. After typing my Qubes user password, the LED indicator for the Wifi/Bluetooth killswitch turns off. The LED functions normally during boot, but it immediately turns off after Qubes user signin. The killswitch itself still works, but the LED indicator does not.

I was not sure if I should make a separate post about this, but I decided that this would be a nice update on my initial review post here. I am also curious about being able to adjust the colors and behaviours of the various LED indicators and if this is possible yet.


It seems nobody answered to this:

I think there is no free/libre bluetooth firmware anywhere. But even on PureOS you can install this non-free package and bluetooth works fine on my L14

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this is correct

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Thanks for the tip. Though, now I need to see whatā€™s the best way to pollute my curent Guix setup on Librem 14 with that firmware. Thereā€™s the non-guix channel, but it somehow did not work that well for me in case of bluetooth.