Is it possible to boot the Arch USB on the Librem 5 via USB Hub and install that way? Or do I have to generate a full image and then flash it to the device?
Are there any interesting guides or posts on the net with helpful information on Librem 5 + Arch?
It’s probably possible (this is Linux) but the Librem 5 doesn’t specifically intend that you can boot from the USB port. (If you could boot from the USB port, you wouldn’t need to use a USB hub to do so as such.)
However the Librem 5 can specifically boot from µSD card. So can you put the installer on µSD card?
I believe that the Librem 5 intends to use uboot. So you have to cater for that.
That is certainly the normal way - disk image on host computer and then flash it to the eMMC drive ‘as is’. That may be the easier way, since you can scrutinise to the nth degree exactly what you are going to blat onto the eMMC drive and then do so. And you can probably debug it without breaking your phone by blatting it onto the µSD card first, which you can do directly from the host computer, lather rinse repeat, until it actually boots.
I am nit-picking here a bit but you probably want to look at ArchLinux ARM and not straight up Arch Linux.
I don’t know for sure, but that kernel from the AUR that you linked is also likely needed. My assumption is that it contains a lot of the L5-specific patches that the kernel PureOS ships comes with.
Good luck with this effort. I’m sure it’s possible, but I doubt it will be easy.