Librem 5 audio does not play for Firefox or Shattered Pixel Dungeon

System volume seems to be okay, but media volume does not play whatsoever. When in the GNOME Settings > Sound, the media volume is turned on, but doesn’t seem to function. Speaker test works fine.

Try restarting your Librem 5.

Doing so did not alleviate the issue. Nor did uninstall and reinstall of Shattered Pixel Dungeon

I noticed the same thing, BUT on the MNT Reform sound is working on Sway.

So I think the culprit here is Shattered Pixel and the way it is looking or expecting audio assets.

I’ll mess around with it some when I get home and see if I can get it working.

How did you install Shattered Pixel Dungeon. It’s never actually been able to open on mine.

Okay, another idea is accessing Quick Settings, pressing the “>” button next to the horizontal volume slider to expand it, changing output devices, then adjusting the volume.

You download the java version from github, and then start it using the java -jar command

I just did this and sound worked just fine. Game ran really well actually. I was docked when doing this, but the game started on the L5 itself and was fully playable as well.

How did you get the version you are using?

You can make a .desktop file to get it to show up in the launcher, so that you can run it without invoking it from the cli.


Pretty sure i just installed it from flatpak. Maybe it doesn’t install the java dep.

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The Flatpak package.

All I know is that it was working, at one time…