Librem 5 Chestnut - Audio quality

Has anyone who has received the Chestnut batch done any tests on the sound quality from the headphone jack? I would be interested to know how it fairs. Even just some opinions from those who have one would be great.


There are some issues with audio currently. I just tried playing some music on headphones and the left channel is just static and the right channel seems to be mixed with some static. I fully expect this to improve, things have been improving steadily since I received the phone.

Ignoring the static issue and keeping in mind that I am by no means an audiophile, I think it sounds pretty good. But obviously, a real evaluation will have to wait until the mentioned issues can be resolved.


Thanks a lot for the information. I was just wondering, does the static get louder/quieter changing the volume, or is it at a constant level despite the volume level?

I’m not going to mark this thread as solved because as you mentioned, things will likely change in the near future.

The static appears to be constant volume and I just noticed that if the volume is low enough (~5%) I start to get music coming through on the left channel although it is pretty distorted.

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Ok, thank you. In case anyone is interested, the reported issue is here. I think it is also worth quoting this from that link:

I also found that if you use aplay to play stereo sound immediately after boot before invoking any of the pulseaudio pieces you will get stereo sound out of the headphones. So the HW is working it’s just a configuration issue.

I assumed it wouldn’t be but I’m glad to hear it’s not a hardware problem.

That seems a bit strange. I wonder why that is… :thinking:

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Thanks for finding that issue. I had started to look for it in case I needed to create one. Now I can follow the progress on that one.

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