Librem 5 frustration

I understand your frustration. Purism does have that effect. Its important to take good care of our mental status . In my case librem 5 was causing too much anxiety ( low battery anxiety syndrome if there is such a thing). Too many compromises , and this comes from an experienced linux user. When this happens and it affects your life to the point that i cant use the phone because i won’t have enough battery (EU user, not able to get additional batteries) , freezes , friends and family asking me to say again something during a call , not able to call someone during charging due to echo issue, not able to use speaker because of echo, charging taking about 2+ hours to finish .All these issues resulted to just use sailfishos . Everything works , amazing battery life , gps better, call quality better , good camera and the list goes on. My point is , if something affects you negatively , you dont have to keep doing it for a bit more privacy. Just find that sweet balance. And for me sailfishos is that perfect balance between privacy and functionality


No i have no frustration. I like Purism for the work on Software and creation about the hardware for the Librem5. I like my mental status and i do not see any relation to librem5 or - ok the phone and the software take care about advertising selling data and use linux to keep my hardware safe…

Low battery? You know there is some kind of changing device and you could just plug it in or select some power saving usage while program or use your computer.

I have no freezes. 1/100 i have to restart the phone cause of black screens. But it may be some kind of Web-Page eating my memory. And not about my driver. I have no speaker issues. Ok i charge often and shut down the phone cause i known about it energy consumption.

Sailfish-OS? Oh if it work there you can easily try to update the source of Purism and done the same… oh you can not… may be…?


Almost 2 years that Purism Stoped Gnu Pure OS develop. = ( my frustration.


Purism is progressing with PureOS development, albeit slowly lately. They never ceased development.


100% accurate statement. And the development has sped up a bit recently (looking at the things getting ironed out for Crimson).

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