i understand your concerns but i think different (can i say that?
it seems to me too just reading the forum, i think the main reason is the team is small and they have to manage alot of stuff do not depend on them, i remember when someone from purism wrote about it, and i understand, so what i hope is they just calculate this when they write about shipping and release, just add some months, and if no problem the customer will be happy to see his product before the deadline
it depends, if you are talking about camera/display specs for you should be better have a 4k display, imho a hd is better, because of power required and this means more autonomy, a fullhd laptop is bigger than a 5" smartphone and i still no see pixels on it, and i consider i just have to call message and browse with a smartphone not to use photoshop/gimp for professional use
that’s why they are smart, the imx8 is not avalaible yet and they (and me too) hope will be before they ship the smartphone, so they can use it, otherwise will be the imx6
same will be for the screen and other stuff, i think it will also depend on raised money, more money they have more investment they can do
as customers i know we usually have high specs with a lower price, but this is because they make money with your data, so they can do it, santa claus is not real, people work for earn money and sometime, like purism also for a social purpose
i don’t really care about higher specs just for numbers, when i can do everything i can do it with other smartphone like photos, offline maps, calling, texting, internet etc without lags like a saw on ubuntu touch even on high spec phone, i’m fine with that
no one can say what you should do, it’s your money, i just think if this project will fail no one else will try again to make something different from android/ios, that’s why you should consider to help the campaign
don’t worry about the lenght, we are there for talk and help each others, i understand your frustration about all failed projects, that’s why everyone who believe privacy is important and everyone who love linux and open source, should do something now, for avoid to have another failure