i’ve noticed that the librem 5 (at least in the past 2 weeks) does not always send tones when pressing number keys which the automated menu on the other end receives.
also when redialing it still occurs. I have not tried rebooting yet (although i reboot regurally because of updates or when the modem just doesn’t want to play nice)
does anybody know if this is a bug or a setting?
i’ve only noticed it since about 2 weeks, before that i did not have this issue
i’ve never heard it make a tone, but it usually gets send/recognized on the other end.
this is kind of a critical thing if you want to use the librem as a cellphone. I love the librem but i still don’t trust it to work ^^
i really hope it can be made/improved to work continuously so i can trust that it is always there when i need the cell service. It’s still a bit to buggy on the cell side