Librem 5 Shipment - anyone heard from Purism?

Hi folk.
I haven’t heard from Purism about the shipment of the Librem 5.
I was hoping to hear which of my options of delivery will I get. So the first option is now by default finished.
I find it strange that they didn’t get back to me with some idea of when I could expect the phone.
Did anyone else have the same issue??


They asked me which batches I would prefer to recieve, ranked 1-3. I responded and have not heard back. I recall seeing someone mention they were asked which modem they wanted. They may be starting at the earliest backers and going down the list so depending on when you ordered you may not have heard anything so far.


I reckon I’m somewhere between number 300 and 350 in the queue of initial backers (by comparing the campaign page on to the date/time of my pledge confirmation email).

I have not received the modem selection email yet.


Apparently @BryanLunduke is getting his personal Librem 5 tomorrow!?
This is dated October 11:

I think he is somehow employed by Purism nowadays, so that could mean they are still so far only shipping to more or less internal Purism people, I don’t know. Anyway, there’s a good chance he will be posting more demo videos and stuff after tomorrow.


What do you mean by that?

If you mean batch Aspen then the shipping announcement said the “shipping window” for Aspen was going to be September 24th – October 22nd. So based on that there is theoretically still a chance you could be in the Aspen batch.


It may be helpful to say what date in 2017 you backed the phone / what date you pre-ordered.



Bryan Lunduke is Director of Marketing at Purism according to

Gardiner Bryant’s YouTube video may be the first one from a non-Purism person. Congratulations to him, and kudos for getting an unboxing video out so quickly!


Well, he might not actually get to keep that one. It might have just been a demo for him to try it out. It also didn’t have bluetooth or modem support yet because the firmware needs work still.

In this video he said it didn’t have Bluetooth or camera support yet.

I did not hear him say it didn’t have modem (baseband) support. I am assuming the baseband works.

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He is one of the first backers. And given that he is a huge enthusiast and programer with big following, they picked him to be one of the first “outsiders” to have it. Of course, given the close relationship with Bryan it made this delivery more special, I can assume :slight_smile:


Patience, it will take Todd a lot of time to hand deliver all these phones :slight_smile:


I thought it ended earlier.
Ok I’ll wait and see.

September 11 2017
Much has happened in the world since then

Right now we are assigning people to a batch as phones are ready to ship and then contacting them to confirm their shipping address and modem selection.

Because the batch selection and shipment schedule is unique, nothing currently exists to easily handle this process. We are working on ways to streamline the batch selection and then see if we can list the batch you’re in within your order.

Just like the Librem 5, it’ll all come in time.


Automatic reply to email with what you just said might have eased the slight tension in my mind.
Thank you for your reply.

Looks like @BryanLunduke has now received his Librem 5…

Hopefully we can expect some more videos soon!
Edit: He’s also got a thread in the forums here.


I understood it we’d be told what batch we were assigned to and then asked if we wanted to be in that batch or our batch preference . Was this not correct ?

A few weeks ago, they sent emails asking everyone for their batch preference. Now, as they fill orders, people are getting asked to confirm their modem and power supply preferences. But batch preferences happened a few weeks ago.

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I thought we would be told what batch we were in by default and then asked if we wanted to go with our default batch or our preference.