Librem 5 SparkLAN WiFi Modules For Sale in Europe

I am making this post on behalf on in the Purism community Matrix channels.

They said

Just a brief reminder that I have a few Sparklan WiFi modules which I ordered directly from Purism, to re-sell and ship within Europe. It’s cheaper than ordering from the USA.

I am re-selling without profit.

If you are interested, you should hop into the Purism Librem 5 community Matrix channel here:

and then ping


The WNFB-266AXI(BT) seems to be available from European shops too, around 40€+shipping. Price is more than at Purism shop but no import tax and you may get lucky with the shipping costs, depending where you live and what shop you use. That being said, I hope Nils gets to sell those.

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