Librem 5 support Lockdown Mode

Lockdown Mode is the top paramount security/privacy and feature for Librem 5 this mean that all sensors is shutdown.
Purism recently enabled the Hall sensor of the Librem 5 so i tested the compass-sensor and lockdown mode it worked both!

Big thanks to @angus.ainslie


Nice, what application is that? I cannot find a compass in the store …

app. angus.ainslie:

kernel5.18.7: hall sensor:

enable hall sensor: remove

blacklist st_magn
blacklist st_magn_i2c
blacklist st_magn_spi

from etc/modprobe.d/librem5-devkit.conf

…when finish reboot your GNU DEVICE then go to setting to calibrate the app, when calibrating becareful not fall you device. It mandatory the calibrate in order to work like a charm.


I did a test today for power saving by using LockdownMode + InactiveMode, and got spend 4% of batt per hours, i know that Purism still working on powersave in all modes, so i guess we will get 2 or 3% per hours on LockdownMode + InactiveMode, which it awesome work from Purism. I not tested LockdownMode+ActiveMode yet. But doing this test it let me know that WLAN controller Plus Modem controller it eating to much battery, so it will good to exploit the L5 modem, and wash all the userspace to get better batt on the modem, also get a newer WLAN controller to support better battery life mode including compat to StR.
Kudos for Purism.
Also thanks to Kyle Rankin for supporting the idea of an icon to LM.

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