Librem 5 system crashes

It was either a mail or a XMPP message, but not a SMS (I removed my SIM card from my L5 until the issue is solved). I let the battery empty and then plugged the L5. Susped disabled

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Ok, lets try to read the logs :D.
Could you run journalctl -r and search something related to etnaviv and cut here marker?
It could be a real crash of the gpu driver…

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Disabling suspend doesn’t make the problem with random instability on older kernels go away, it just makes it much less likely to trigger (but there are other possible triggers as well, such as USB-C data role swapping).

The new kernel is now in byzantium-updates-proposed and should arrive in byzantium-updates in a matter of hours.

That’s very likely to cause troubles when resuming from suspend because of SD card is unwritable after resume from suspend (#484) · Issues · Librem5 / linux · GitLab. For this one, disabling suspend will actually prevent it from ever happening.

Do you have a real need for swap partition on your phone? I’m using mine (3GB version) with zram as configured by default and I find it sufficient for regular usage. The only time it wasn’t was when trying to compile squeekboard on the phone.

This means the kernel didn’t crash. You should be able to gather logs from when it happened from system journal.


I found it:

Thank you ! So you think it will solve my issue ?

Ironically I did this to prevent crashes… As I’ve previously experienced this crashing situation on my Pinephones and read on this forum that saturation of RAM may cause crashes I decided to create swap partition. But now I know this was a different issue on my Pinephones becauses crashes occured during active use and there was at least 2 different issues: sometimes it was a Phosh crash and I could recover either by plugging a keyboard, or through ssh and run systemctl restart phosh.service and an other one which was more similar to the one I’m experiencing now but I don’t remember if it occured only during resume from suspend or also during active use.

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It’s hard to tell as the problem the new kernel is fixing was a use-after-free causing all sorts of random issues afterwards, so this etnaviv trace may actually not be related to any issue in etnaviv at all but rather caused by memory corruption… but there’s also a possibility that you actually hit an actual etnaviv bug. I think there’s a good chance it will, but we’ll know for sure once you actually test it.


I found it:

Yes, it is! I have this issue one time per day or two even despite relatively recent mesa version (22.3.6).

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The new kernel is unfortunately not yet available.

My Librem 5 has a new issue today, susped is disabled (and I removed swap partition) but there are some kind of crash during active use when screen and buttons become unresponsive. But it is not in a completely frozen state, at some moments screen moves, responding gestures I had minutes ago and freezes again. It is now in this frozen state… No, just when writing this phrase I take back control of it ! Let’s see the logs.

There are a very huge amount of logs and it’s difficult for me to select the most accurate parts

This strange behavior started when I opened several apps at the same time, it may be RAM saturation or CPU overload :thinking:.

May this issue be related to the defficient kernel ?


It is now.


:tada: Great. Thanks to all who worked on this!

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Thank you so much ! I upgraded and I’ll keep you informed


What are you think about this post? Is it possible to return back the fix for sd card?

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See my recent post. I had the same problem: Why and how to extend ZRAM on L5

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For now I didn’t exerienced resume from suspend issue ! But I had RAM saturation issues until I followed your instructions. Looks promising for now but needs further testing. I noticed that it’s not persistant after reboot

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I found two solutions to make it persistent: Look at my post again

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Let’s continue the topic of “crashes”. I’ve updated the kernel to 6.6.34 and was not able to resume my L5 today morning. The device was working (ssh works) but the screen remained blank. The log was flooded by a message:

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If you still have ssh access, can’t you revert the kernel change?

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In my side I still haven’t resume from suspend issue. If you have SSH access it should be something else, maybe a phosh crash ? You can log in through SSH and type ‘sudo systemctl restart phosh.service’. I had phosh crashes on my pinephones running Mobian but until now never on my L5.

PS: I’m sad because I dropped my L5 on rock last night. It fell on the lower right corner that is damaged, screen is fortunately intact


Still no frrozen state for me anymore. I did other tests with extended zram. 5GB seems to be the optimum (size-fraction = 2). I tried untill 13.3GB (and untill size-fraction = 6) without problem too. I had no crash for hours except untill I opened all my apps one after another and got over 9GB of total memory usage+heavy cpu load. At lower usage I get full stability now. Is is a dream. (see my own post for the procedure)


At this moment I observed the same issue a few times… May be one time per day. Auto-suspend is on, wifi is off during suspend. No crashes during a charger or nexdock plug. L5 really does get better!


I hasn’t resume from suspend issue for one and half week until now. It has just happening