Librem 5 v1 wifi driver missing, hardware detected as unresponsive

I found the repositories for pureos architecture and am attempting to repair the wifi problems with GSM international phones. . . I going to run several packages from the repos and see what’s next.

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Sure, it is your Librem 5 after all.

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i have spent about 3 hours looking through the terminal with | grep & lsmod. It’s detecting my hardware. I need wifi to get the phone working. it has 5.13 and when they pasted the wlan driver over it they did not back up the original. so the update they applied, took away wifi, everything. they did the same thing with the bt image, and cellular. And told me, the phone is bricked. no usb tethering, uboot, network-manager, anything. it’s all mismatched and incompatible. the phone was not maintained well. I cannot find images anywhere.

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I literally have to look at packages and manually repair it.

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i have gdebi arm64 now. Whoo Hoo!!

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You can find the Librem 5 images below.

As for the reflashing process:

Enjoy your (presumably preowned) Librem 5.

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Thank you. gdebi is installing right now. I have several arm packages.

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I wouldn’t think so. Just reflash from scratch (as a later post suggests). That will blow everything away - which is necessary anyway if this is a second hand phone and desirable if there is no content of value on the phone and yet the phone is completely messed up.

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Now, I’m in apt version checking. I think I almost found Carmen Sandiego.

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