Show me a smart phone and I’ll show you a smart table leg.
I was waiting for the L15. Then when I went back to check, none around any more. Thanks to COVID, and the economy (if there is any left) I had to make some drastic decisions. Drop any idea of a privacy oriented l-top and dive into a digital phone.
The three things we need most to survive as individuals, is a water, food, shelter, and freedom. The L-5 provide the latter. I hesitate to call them ‘phones’ because they are more like a compact mini-computer with a built in communication system that, if we wish, goes where ever we go.
Comparing the L5 to cell phones, the difference for me, is that I could take the L-5 with me. With other phones, people are taking big corporations, giant telecoms, peeps, perves, spies, shysters and the like.
All four necessities of life costs are rising through the roof. Locally, two small T-bone steaks was 26 dollars US. Everything is going up. I expect that with the shortage of ‘chips’, planned or natural, will raise the L-5 too. Food, water, shelter are all going up - even the right to privacy.
I hate paying for something I don’t want. But I find myself having to do so. The L-5 offers me something government and corporations won’t let me have, and that is my right to privacy, but I can get privacy through the L-5. The rest of them thar phone thing-a-ma-jigs have the buyer paying for a leash passing the handle to all those peeps and perves.
I still don’t have a digital phone; smart, clever nor just plain dumb. Until the L-5 is ready or a very good facsimile for a average user with no Linux under their belt, I’ll wait.
As the saying goes, ya gets what yas pays fer. Unfortunately, the price of privacy is pretty high.