Local/national digital freedom organizations? Example from Sweden: DFRI

I would like to hear about local/national organizations that work for privacy, software freedom, digital rights, and so on.

In Sweden I recently learned that there is one called “Föreningen för Digitala Fri- och Rättigheter” (DFRI) https://www.dfri.se/ that describes itself as follows:
DFRI is a Swedish non-profit and non-partisan organisation that promotes digital rights. Our goal is a society with as little surveillance, tracking and wiretapping as possible. We believe in freedom of speech, transparency and freedom of information, personal integrity and the individuals’ rights to control the use of their personal information and digital footprints. We oppose all forms of limitations of these values.

On their mailing list there is some discussion about a free alternative to the “BankID” e-identification system in Sweden, here: https://lists.dfri.se/listan/

I think DFRI seems really good, although so far it is fairly small. It would be great if more people knew about it. If you are in Sweden and care about these issues, become a member!

Outside Sweden, which local or national organizations are there? Are there some particularly successful ones that others could learn from and be inspired by?

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In Australia, EFA (Electronic Frontiers Australia), https://www.efa.org.au/

Objects and Purposes

  1. To protect and promote the civil liberties of users of computer based communications systems and of those affected by their use.
  2. To advocate the amendment of laws and regulations in Australia and elsewhere which restrict free speech and unfettered access to information.
  3. To educate the community at large about the social, political, and civil liberties issues involved in the use of computer based communications systems.
  4. To support, encourage and advise on the development and use of computer based communication systems, and related innovations.
  5. To research and advise on the application of the law (both current and proposed) to computer based communication systems and related technologies.

It also notes:

EFA is completely independent from the USA’s Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). EFA is not (and never has been) a subsidiary or affiliate of the EFF, although the two separate organisations share a number of goals and have an excellent working relationship. EFA is focused on issues directly affecting Australians, while EFF has an American and also a broad international focus. EFF’s role in the establishment of EFA was solely that of an advisory ally.


One could have a look at the list of signatures here: https://publiccode.eu, and choose “National NGOs” or “Regional NGOs”.


In The Netherlands we have Bits of Freedom (BoF) with the yearly Big Brother Award for the organization that violates digital civilians rights most. Bof also keeps a black-book about data-breaches in The Netherlands.

BoF is a very needed independent foundation.