Locally-built Flatpak AppData does not show in PureOS Store

I’m creating a Flatpak app for the Librem 5. I might want to distribute it to Flathub. In order to show a summary, Git repo and other information, I’ve added an AppData XML file to my build that looks something like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop-application">

  <name>My App</name>
  <summary>A summary</summary>
    <p>A description</p>


  <url type="vcs-browser">https://example.com/vcs/my-app.git</url>
  <launchable type="desktop-id">com.example.gnome.App.desktop</launchable>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.1" />
  <!-- ... etcetera ... -->


metainfo_file = i18n.merge_file(
        input: 'com.example.gnome.App.metainfo.xml.in',
       output: 'com.example.gnome.App.metainfo.xml',
       po_dir: '../po',
      install: true,
  install_dir: join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'metainfo')

appstream_util = find_program('appstream-util', required: true)
if appstream_util.found()
  test('Validate appstream file',
        args: ['validate', metainfo_file],
        verbose: true)

I tried both appdata.xml and metainfo.xml (the latter is now recommended, apparently).

It validates when I run appstream-util validate against it. Then, when I use Gnome Builder (version 43.5) and create a .flatpak, I double click to open it in PureOS store. However, none of the metadata, including name and summary, shows. In fact, everything looks pretty empty. It says it’s a proprietary app, no screenshots are available, no age rating, etc.

What am I doing wrong? Is the AppData not in the generated .flatpak? I would like to be able to test this locally before pushing to Flathub.

Wild guess, but perhaps the store is querying flathub for your app’s information and not seeing any?

Good one, but after some experimentation, I don’t think so. When I run tcpdump in the background, I don’t see any traffic while opening the .flatpak.

When I inspect the contents of the .flatpak with xxd, I also don’t see the contents of the AppData anywhere. Of course, that might not mean anything, it might be converted to some non-human-readable binary format. (I thought I just mention it, because I do see other human-readable strings in the .flatpak.)