Lollypop 1.4.23 Glitches

I am using Lollypop to listen to a large local library of music on an SD card inserted into the Librem 5. I installed it from the PureOS repos and for the most part it works great. But given the title, there are a couple of glitches.

One is rare where Lollypop will start off muting itself in settings. When I go to gnome settings I can manually unmute it on the per application section, but once I leave the sound settings page it will mute itself. If I remain on the sound settings page it will keep the sound on. However, it will then mute itself regardless when it changes tracks. I suspect it may have something to do with phone calls, because I had made a call right before it started acting up. I wonder if the settings thinks I am still on a call and is muting the application?

The other glitch is a daily occurrence. It will crash when I start the application, and will crash repeatedly a random number of times as I reopen it over and over again until it finally remains open. When I run it in the terminal this is the output I get as far as the error goes:

~$ lollypop

[INFO] 2023-03-09 20:56:00 web service started
[INFO] 2023-03-09 20:56:00 web service started
[INFO] 2023-03-09 20:56:00 ListenBrainz web service started
[INFO] 2023-03-09 20:56:01 Scan started
Segmentation fault

Any help on either would be greatly appreciated.

What’s large?

I have almost 1600 .mp3 files and I would not consider that large (as it is every CD that I have converted to .mp3 but only a fraction of the total number of CDs) and it does not crash.

I see
Scan started
and then 0.79 seconds later
Scan finished

I don’t know what it is scanning for though. Files? Changed directories? Changed files?

I guess one avenue of investigation might be … if you haven’t set Lollypop to look at the very top of the uSD card, can you move some directories away from where it is scanning and see whether reducing the number of files makes the problem go away?

I guess also make sure that there are no permissions problems i.e. every directory gives at least rx access and every file gives at least r access.

PS I notice
lollypop --emulate-phone
as an option (which means: emulate a Librem 5). So if you have lollypop installed on a desktop/laptop, you could fault isolate to see whether it is unique to the actual phone, unique to the phone-adapted application, or happens elsewhere (assuming of course that the same collection is available to the other computer).

PS Some options that could be relevant:

“auto update music” - if having problems, might be best to turn this off

“show artist artwork” - a bit of a privacy issue anyway because it is going off to random web sites retrieving artwork relating to your collection but, again, if having problems, might be best to turn this off

Enabling debug output by starting lollypop from the terminal with…

lollypop -d

…may provide a little more insight as to why it’s failing.

Good point. I have 6,332 tracks making up 47 GB.

I believe it’s scanning for new tracks within the designated folder. I have turned off “auto update music” before and it made no difference. I hadn’t tried disabling the internet capabilities before, so I will give it a shot and let you all know. I don’t use those features as I stick to the local library of music. I’ll try it out over time and let you all know if that makes a difference.

A run with the command lollypop -d would be appreciated. Even more a run through gdb, but that’s a bit more compilcated.

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Sorry it’s taken me awhile to respond. Sometimes I end up with a streak of good luck and it will work as intended. But inevitably it crashes again.

Here is the output of lollypop -d when it crashes with scan for new music on:

~$ lollypop -d

[INFO] 2023-03-10 20:27:59 Scan started
[DEBUG] 2023-03-10 20:27:59 Container::__on_sidebar_activated()
[DEBUG] 2023-03-10 20:27:59 LazyLoadingView::lazy_loading(): 0.6933181285858154
Segmentation fault

Here is the output of when it crashes when scan for new music is off:

~$ lollypop -d
[DEBUG] 2023-03-12 19:48:56 Container::__on_sidebar_activated()
[DEBUG] 2023-03-12 19:48:56 LazyLoadingView::lazy_loading(): 0.6581146717071533
Segmentation fault

Two questions then:

  • is the root of the directory tree that holds the music the top of the uSD card or some directory below the top of the uSD card?
  • if the latter, can you temporarily move 5,000 tracks out of the directory tree to see whether the crash is dependent on the number of tracks?

So, by way of example, if you have the uSD card mounted at /usdmountpoint and within that you have music and within that you have, say, A … Z for first letter of album title, and within a given letter you have a directory for each album whose title starts with that letter, and within an album directory you have the tracks of the album … and you have pointed Lollypop at /usdmountpoint/music … then you can move enough letters temporarily up to /usdmountpoint quickly and easily until /usdmountpoint/music contains around 1,300 tracks.

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@Sarcasmo220 it is unlikely that this is the issue; but can you check if you have any video files in your music folder. mp4, avi or any other and remove them from the music folder and check if the error still happens.

I checked the folder using ‘grep’ to individually search for the most common video format extensions (.avi, .mov, etc) but there doesn’t seem to be any.

Might be better to check in the opposite direction i.e. exclude mp3 (or whatever audio format you are using) and see what’s left e.g.

find . -type f | grep -v -F .mp3

On my server I can see that that throws up a bunch of Folder.jpg files but I also see that when it synchronizes from the server to the Librem 5 it includes only .mp3 files i.e. leaves the album art behind and forces Lollypop to retrieve the album art from the internet (if that option is enabled).

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