Make bootable unit with dd?

do note that dd will NUKE any data that might be on the usb-non-volatile-memory (or what-have-you)

@Manuel sorry that dd doesnt work for me. It’s something related to EFI/UEFI and my bios I guess, the device doesn’t even show up.

I have the installer running in qemu now :slight_smile:

the sticks seem to still be doing fine :slight_smile:

for instance
if the .iso file is named PureOS and located in /tmp and the device name is sdb

then the command should look like this :

sudo dd bs=4m if=/tmp/PureOS.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress oflag=sync

but the ‘Disks’ GUI application from the GNOME desktop environment should do the trick with ‘restore disk image’

I use i3wm and cli. I understand the command, but the resulting contents on the usb is not booting on my system.

The qemu, which incidentally uses the same bios as your librem, works fine, albeit crazy slow, but that’s probably just some tweaks to be made. That gives me the preview I was looking for.

Perhaps I’ll give the local install a spin some other time. Thanks for your time and efforts.

@reC now I can’t write anymore posts, suddently. Maybe I can write here: Tried with 512 which is my usb device block size, then 4M as suggested elsewhere here.

have you tried with a lower block-size ? i.e bs=1m or 2m ? still nada ?

blocksize does not influence target image, it’s still bit copy. It does influence transfer efficacy.


What I meant was not writing the image to the target device but creating the Image itself which is usually done by distribution developers for the users.