Minimize squeekboard if a USB or Bluetooth keyboard/ a keyboard & mouse combo is active

Any ideas for a shell script that could do this and allow for any keyboard and mouse to minimize Sqeekboard if the L5 is receiving input from an external keyboard and mouse.

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I really not sure but i guess that is possible on newer Phosh Phoc.


It’s a work that has to be done in Phoc and Squeekboard (or the specific OSK you’re using). In fact, it’s already done for Phoc (and Phosh-osk-stub) which we will have access with Crimson and I read about work on Squeekboard on Matrix and maybe it’s already done or it will be soon.


Cool, that’s great news

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ChriChri/switch_keyboard: Proof-of-concept for enabling/disabling the on-screen keyboard squeekboard when an external keyboard is connected. - :wink: