Mobian on Librem 5

See this: InstallingDebianOn/Purism/Librem5Phone - Debian Wiki

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I’ve gone through the wiki page several times.

The updates are all applied, there are wifi drivers that are installed and it can see the wifi networks, attempts to join then fails (not with an error just spins then isn’t connected then tries again indefinitely).


For me with the Phosh version of Mobian and Redpine WiFi module it works without issues. What WiFi module do you have?


I don’t remember I’ll check (likely this evening). Fair point to consider which module is installed.

I also have a couple of other modules from laptops I could potentially test with…

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Long standing problem with the L5:

No chance to get it working with a multicard. Incoming calls do not ring. Outgoing calls no problem. Also happens with the original PureOS.
I have sent the logfiles to the support and never ever have heard anything from the support.

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Biggest problem so far is the - like in PureOS - horribly bad situation with the energy consumption.

It is not possible to keep the L5 up for a normal workday making some phone calls and maybe a visit on an customers office.

The L5 is empty before I close my office. As long I am in my office I can have the L5 plugged in. But when have to spent a working day in a customers place it s better to take a normal Android phone with You. Als if You go in holiday at the beach and want to make some mail checking, a couple of calls and some photos with the builtin camera.

Better to take an cheap Android phone for this :frowning:

Maybe the modem in the L5 would never work optimal… maybe a mis-construction here and the energy consumption will be never allow the phone to work for a workind day without reloading energy?

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You can connect a power bank to the Librem 5 and significantly extend its runtime.

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I have a powerbank :wink:

But this cannot be the solution for an absolutely shitty battery life time. Maybe there is an design problem on the hardware, maybe this is a software issue. But YEARS after start manufacturing it there is no visible improvement on this problem.

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It is up to you if you want to use your power bank or not. Otherwise, you can also consider the Lapdock Kit, which also passively recharges the Librem 5:

I want to have a phone, not an “environment” :wink:

For all I need more I have an Surface Pro 5 Tablet with Keyboard - installed with Arch-Plasma 6

Bought the Surface used for 250€ and it was one of my very best invests ever

Suspend on the L5 works, but without any IP connection and a not usable clock.

If You have to wake up the phone for work and make some calls the battery unload like a defective pool.

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Did you enable suspend and/or have extra batteries to swap through the day?

I have used a powerbank and changing the batteries.

But here in Europe I will never be able to buy an replacement back cover when after a lot of battery changes the back cover will give up. And for a new battery I was urged to buy one from the PRC in eBay.

So this can be an emergency solution, but for a phone which costs a really amount of money this is no way to the future

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Here are your options:

Here is an alternative option:

If you prefer non-removable batteries for phones instead, there are plenty of options from Big Tech right now, enough to create tons of electronic waste every year. It is up to you if you prefer unsustainable and wasteful practices for your business, in spite of its consequences against the planet’s resources and future.

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This is not a good argument for a shitty realized battery/modem construct.

Here I have an OnePlus6 where I have replaced a broken back cover and the battery without big hassles for 25€

The problem on the L5 exists and it may be a design error or an software error. But fur such an expensive gadget like the L5 I can expect more engagement and more communication from the company which built it.

The alternative way “sending the pone to Purism” is a joke for european people. This will cost more than an alternative phone and do not forget the tax control re-importing the L5 into the EU.

Why they cannot deliver batteries and other spare parts like any other company? The PRC will gladly produce batteries, back covers and more if You ask them :wink:

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For batteries, it has to do with IATA requirements. Other spare parts can be ordered from the webshop or by asking Purism support. Some parts can be 3D printed.

Go ask them, then report back once you have secured production.

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I have already bought a battery from the PRC, costs 30€ and was delivered within one week. How about IATA when You transfer it via an regular freight ship like all others?

Why Prism cannot do what an PRC retailer in eBay can do without any hassle?

It is the job for Purism to assure a working system of spare parts and not mine!

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Seems fine to me.

Use couriers other than DHL, and the eBay Global Shipping Program, which handles most of the paperwork. Further questions can be directed to Purism support:

I asked them with no usable answer

As the original battery of the L5 is produced by

Zhongshan Tianmao Battery Co. Ltd

I cannot understand the problems of “We can not send Li-Io batteries…” to the customer.

The original batteries manufactured in the PRC maybe are not beamed to the US ?
Why I can buy aftermarket batteries with no hassle in eBay ?

But this should not be the content of this thread.

I wondered about the shitty battery lifetime also in Mobian


I have been using a headphone as a work around for the echo problem and it seems to work.

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