More Proof Firefox is Bad

I do not think so. You know, sometimes Humans or mindful Program’s, would see a bigger Picture and use it like a step of a stair to get to higher ground. And you have to establish some overview to understand the concept of its own brilliance. Just to use that view of concept or study that kind of tool to build a better version of it. And now you can not create a better version of it if you do not understand it fully. I think its like a growing to a lower level Layer. To understand how it existence there… and to optimize it in a race to the bottom, you have to build a better system with less energy consumption without cheating, in a pure version or with a better understanding of lower level physics.

Kids using technology without the understanding of it… they will be exploited… trust me.


Most people aren’t trying to make their tools better, only use the ones that are good enough.

Not significantly moreso than using other things they don’t understand.

It is infeasible to understand everything, and instead of trying to teach kids everything, it is more practical to teach frameworks for evaluating things using trust based frameworks. Along with frameworks for evaluating risk.

Trust me, as a parent, children are both more intelligent and more resilient than most people give them credit for.


Thank you for your Post O*YAIG, like your point of view and you are right. Its just. I never saw computers and devices cheating with god like power before. So i think its not easy to beat that evolutionary.

Good parents should separate screens and internet before 16 years from these children i think. Cause they need time to catch up with beautiful and important thinks first.

I see computers have exponential growth in ram, cpu speed and data exchange. And i do not see that on humans brain. We have to much sensors pointing to children and aiming for attention and run A/B testing on future behavioral. No human has a chance to outdo that power …

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Some researcher observe on Android Devices that Mozilla contact some IP-Addresses after every launch.
Sorry its on German…

Firefox: Weshalb man LibreWolf und andere Forks bevorzugen sollte • Kuketz IT-Security Blog


Good parentsvknow that each child is different and arbitrary age gates are not the best approach. There are so many facets to good parenting, including acknowledging cultural differences, that I would say that is a topic for its own thread and one that there will often be more disagreement than agreement simply due to the complex nature of the topic.



Just to be sure, I’ve added that host also to my hosts file.


This is it, Firefox went total spyware mode. It went the way of internet explorer. I demand that GNOME Web, LibreWolf, and GNU IceCat (although that is usually Guix supported or separate download) be supported by the Purism/PureOS (system/default) software/dependency support repository/server. Mozilla Firefox must be eventually dropped from Linux repositories.

Mozilla Firefox is Collecting User Search Data…

Look for the ‘Firefox Data Collection and Use’ option label in Firefox’s ‘Privacy and Security’ settings section.

And if this past incident doesn’t clue in, you need a refresher on internet privacy and consumer rights.


Good Point. But not every child choose its parents too. So i want to have that data an complexity shown and displayed to the observed human. - Ok and if its not old enough to its parents, or best friends or trusted A.I. System… wt… f.

I stuck in a recursive mind mud-hole. :wink:

The Good instances on Firefox was the Open Source approach and that we have some settings and keys - or Plugins to toggle to adjust privacy. Even if its powered by Alphabet. Its a good didactic play to see how information was processed and history saved or how Plugins like Adblock tried to got paid by Advertised-Webpages to monetizes and got excluded for sharing information.

Today browsers are some secret knowledge used by a daily lower user base and will be like the usenet in future. :confused:

Firefox will be rotten day by day. But just because everything other will do it more.

So i will change my browser to librewolf - just right know i hope its supported in future with security updates too. The last guard is right know the up to date tor browser.

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It’s unfortunate that you would post a youtube video to support your claim…
Some people (and maybe a lot of them here on this forum) want to have nothing to do with the Evil Octopus.
Do you have a more “viewable” source?


I’d really like to see Mullvad Browser and Tor Browser released for Linux arm64 devices, as I think it’s better to stick with ESR.

Reminder: Librewolf is based on Firefox Release, not ESR, but it is supported by my FriendlyFox project.


You demand ??? It’s all Open Source. Get it yourself.

Also, if you actually read the thread you posted from code9n about “Backdoor in FireFox …” with the claim that the IP traced to the “US Air Force”, you would know that was wrong. They confused a domain name ( with an IP address and thought that the leading digits were the IP, when the actual IP was … which is for mozilla push services Home - Mozilla Push Service Documentation ).

Remember: It’s Open Source. I think people might want to tame their paranoia by reading the source.


Was not much interesting about. All the video is telling “disable tracking settings in the privacy/security settings” (most of us should already have done this), because they collect a new type of metadata.The person is just reading the public changelog. Anyway, if you still want to watch it, choose your Invidious instance.


Hi TiX0,

i did not look at the source or the connections. But i think its plausible. There are daily more less developers on the side of Mozilla, acted by some dismissal and less support cause - it goes well.

Ribby choosed youtube for the reach…at his time. And no, it is not a viewable source in future.

But we have to accept it on personalized Data and in future it got harder. Firefox is/was bad, but we have no other future today, or we ship more free open source Apps and Phones. With Linux or some free open sourced Android ones.

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To be fair, I’ve made the same mistake myself. In a hurry … and different IP address range operators use different strategies for what a reverse lookup produces … cut-and-paste …

It is already, isn’t it?

Open Source enables choice. It isn’t for you to tell me that I can’t choose to install Firefox from the PureOS repos, even if I did so in ignorance.

The important questions are:

  • which web browsers are available in the PureOS repos
  • which web browser is the default web browser
  • how much effort is it for Purism to continue to make a set of web browsers available in the PureOS repos

Gnome Web may eventually be a functional replacement for Firefox but I don’t think it is there yet today. Even if it were, there will always be some users who are wedded to particular user interface design and/or particular features.

Support for “extensions” and the range of extensions available may also be a consideration at the current time.


Firefox definitely should not be in the PureoOS Repos, as i have said in other posts, and if someone wanted it they should install it externally from the PureoOS repos at your own risk.

It is big shame that Firefox it is on Free Software Operating System like PureOS. If some want it Firefox on Repos that,s fine jut go for Open Sources OSes Fedora, Debian Etc, not on PureOS and we need to Respect FSF Rules of an Operating System and Community. IMHO.


Tried 10 different instances with no success…
I got either a “Media format is not supported” error or even worse: a redirect to googlevideo[dot]com which appears to be a Google LLC owned domain - and since I absolutely block all and any of the Ugly Squid 500+ domains…so be it!
Anyway, if the video itself was not really worth seeing and contained no valuable information, I guess I have not missed anything.
EDIT: but I guess this is outside of the scope of this discussion


Invidious is a front end website to avoid the common YouTube side. But they still have to load videos from Google servers, so at least the media has to be allowed which means all Google gets is your IP-address (which could be hidden via Tor or other VPN services). It’s by far not perfect, but the only solution not to loose the whole access to videos on YouTube. Some instances are using proxies by their own and some are even providing onion services.

But as you agreed, it’s not worse it for this single video. I just share this in case you may want/need it some time in future. If you can live without - even better.


Use mine:


Wanted to look for, but you did not link in your profile. :wink:


Feel free to bookmark the thread. My profile is only for the most unique traits of my identity.

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Fantastic! Many thanks for the link to your own Invidious instance and convenience to use it as a proxy!
I have definitely bookmarked it - but don’t you worry about bandwidth: it is very rare that I consider watching a YT video really worth the effort…
But thanks to you, it will be easier and safer for me to do so very sporadically.