I compiled the 5.11.4-librem5
kernel with kexec support, so kexec --load ...
worked fine, but I got a black screen on kexec -e
… perhaps kexec is broken at the moment? However, I never worked with it before, so maybe I didn’t use it correctly 
There also seems to be some bootmenu support in u-boot, but I don’t know if all required drivers are available in u-boot yet (video/framebuffer etc)?
As a workaround, one could modify the u-boot script to get kexec-like functionality. For this, I added the following at the top of /etc/flash-kernel/bootscript/bootscr.uboot-generic
if test -z "${alt_boot}"; then
setenv alt_boot 0
if test "${alt_boot}" -ne 0; then
setenv alt_boot 0
setenv bootargs "${alt_cmdline}"
load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${partition} ${kernel_addr_r} ${alt_kernel} \
&& load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${partition} ${fdt_addr_r} ${alt_fdt} \
&& load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${partition} ${ramdisk_addr_r} ${alt_initrd} \
&& echo "Booting alternative kernel from ${devtype} ${devnum}:${partition}..." \
&& booti ${kernel_addr_r} ${ramdisk_addr_r}:${filesize} ${fdt_addr_r}
setenv bootargs
Then run flash-kernel
and reboot. Perhaps one should backup the u-boot script /boot/boot.scr
before that in case anything goes wrong
The reboot is necessary so that saveenv
is called at least once. Now, the idea is to use fw_setenv
to modify the u-boot environment variables. For this one needs to create the file /etc/fw_env.config
with the following content:
# Block device Device offset Env. size
/dev/mmcblk0boot0 0x3fe000 0x2000
To check that this works, one can call fw_printenv
, which should show a line alt_boot=0
. Now one can run the following to reboot with a new kernel cmdline:
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro
fw_setenv alt_boot 1
fw_setenv alt_kernel vmlinuz
fw_setenv alt_initrd initrd.img
fw_setenv alt_fdt dtb
fw_setenv alt_cmdline "console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1 plymouth.enable=0 fsck.repair=yes security=apparmor root=/dev/mmcblk0p2"
echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro
This should reboot PureOS but showing the kernel messages etc instead of the splash screen. The path of alt_kernel
etc is relative to /boot/
. The next boot should be “normal” again, so the change is not permanent, like a kexec. One needs to call fw_setenv alt_boot 1
again in order to enable the alternative boot settings for the next reboot.
I just booted linux from SD by modifying root in the alt_cmdline
For me this workaround is fine for experiments for now. I guess one could use something like this to get Petitboot to work. Still, it would be cool (and cleaner) to use kexec instead of the workaround above.