My Librem laptop churning out DAT files?

Sad state of affairs here. …
My librem laptop is either downloading all my files in DAT format , and/or sending in DAT

Tried sending files from librem laptop via email, my androld phone looking for me to enter a password to open the file… (tried entering the phone password to no avail.)

From my librem laptop,
Tried uploading a file, the website did not recognize the format.

I read that mozilla firefox is a way to send DAT files… ?

Have my files been hacked?
Maybe also my librem software?

Thanks to any brave souls who respond…

What kind of file are you actually trying to send? What created the file in the first place?

They are PDF files

And where did the PDF files come from? What created them?

Created by a tax website

Two days ago i downloaded similar files from the same exact site and emailed them as PDF
no problems whatsoever…


Maybe the PDFs got corrupted when you downloaded them the most recent time? I would try downloading them again

How big are the files?

What software are you using to email out the files? Firefox? Thunderbird? Something else?

Are we talking about WINMAIL.DAT or some other .DAT file?