After many attempts to get this damn thing to work, it finally pissed me off way to much.
The hardware sucks. The support sucks. The software sucks, but I replaced it with Debian so that got better.
The OS would not update, install software, uninstall software. “Unmet Dependencies”. Took so damn long for support to get back to me, I reinstalled the OS according to the documents (same link they sent me eventually). After installing with dd command (retarded), the thing wouldn’t boot at all, came up to a PureBoot prompt. Installed Mint and loaded Gnome and that worked, but finally changed to Debian Gnome and that actually worked very well.
The processor would reach 31C and the touchscreen would start flaking out, touching itself. Had to keep a fan handy at all times to cool it off.
The keyboard is another piece of crap. Plug it in and it would be recognized, but wouldn’t work at all. Have to squeeze the tablet to the keyboard to get it to make a decent connection so I could type.
If you’re looking for a tablet and reading this as a review: Don’t Buy This Damn Thing, It Sucks
I was really looking for a source for things that avoid using Microsucks, but this surely ain’t it.
I’m deleting my account and black-listing this place.
Although actually I don’t typically use dd to install the OS for the first time.
Anyway, sorry to hear about your frustration. I have also never succeeded in defeating Microsucks. I always find myself using Microsucks products again even after I decide that I don’t like them, because they have all the money and power and I don’t.
I understand your frustration. Purism does have that effect. Its important to take good care of our mental status . In my case librem 5 was causing too much anxiety ( low battery anxiety syndrome if there is such a thing). Too many compromises , and this comes from an experienced linux user. When this happens and it affects your life to the point that i cant use the phone because i won’t have enough battery (EU user, not able to get additional batteries) , freezes , friends and family asking me to say again something during a call , not able to call someone during charging due to echo issue, not able to use speaker because of echo, charging taking about 2+ hours to finish .All these issues resulted to just use sailfishos . Everything works , amazing battery life , gps better, call quality better , good camera and the list goes on. My point is , if something affects you negatively , you dont have to keep doing it for a bit more privacy. Just find that sweet balance. And for me sailfishos is that perfect balance between privacy and functionality
Sailfish is sucks too.
old camera,gps,call, system stack.
However Sailfish on Murrays will the best over C2.
I hope Jolla ship Linux 5.10 than 5.4 for as it needed for driver compatibilities on Android Hal 14.
I m actually very impressed by how fast and stable is sailfishos 5 on xperia 10 iii. Call quality is great , battery life , fast , smooth. Sure the camera could be better but it is still so much better than librem 5 camera. Right now its the most daily drivable linux device. C2 is a dissapointment . If you really want to use sailfishos as it should , use it on xperia 10 iii