Nautilus Lags On Start [solved]

I’ve been having some real problems with Nautilus recently. It crashes somewhat often, but after a full-upgrade today I have a more frustrating problem. Launching from terminal or from the GUI lags for 2 minutes before the window actually opens. Here are the errors thrown:

$ nautilus

** (nautilus:22909): WARNING **: 15:48:57.386: Error on getting connection: Failed to load SPARQL backend: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.Tracker1': timed out (service_start_timeout=120000ms)

(nautilus:22909): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 15:48:58.128: g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed

(nautilus:22909): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 15:48:58.128: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

(nautilus:22909): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 15:48:58.128: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

Has anyone had a similar issue? Should I open a bug report or is this a settings issue?



$ rm -rf ~/.cache/tracker/

Solves the issue. Sorry to clutter the forum!

You could also do: tracker reset --hard