My goal with this post is not to promote a political position, even though it discusses politics. For those who hate President Trump, pretend that the scenarios discussed below happen a few years from now, to your favorite politician. I was recently shocked as I read reports about the Proprietary Voting machine software and associated non-disclosure agreements that go with them, and their affects on the freedom of my country. For today, it it’s the ‘Dominion’ company that we’re trusting with the fate of our Democracy to here in the USA. It looks to me like secret un-audited Dominion software is being used to destroy democracy itself.
Here in the US, Donald Trump is near to the end of his term and officially lost the recent Presidential election to Joe Biden. The Democrats are happy and the Republicans are outraged. Trump can fill large stadiums with tens of thousands of people both inside of the stadium and also outside of the stadium, for those who couldn’t get in, several days per week for weeks on end as he campaigns. Joe Biden did almost no campaigning and was known to have from just a few dozen to a few hundred people in attendance at his campaign rallies.
The Dominion voting machines come with a user’s manual that instructs the users how to program the machine to rig elections. These same kind of machines were used in Venezuela by the CIA to cheat their elections there. We can watch hidden security camera footage that shows a woman in Georgia running the same stack of ballots through the machine three times in a ‘batch mode’ setting. Many lawsuits over Trump’s recent loss have little to no evidence involving these machines because the states can not allow forensic audits of these machines due to their having signed non-disclosure agreements with the Dominion company. One forensic audit of these machines that was allowed in one Michigan county shows that these machines were designed to perpetrate poll fraud. The so-called ‘errors’ were only discovered and forensic audit allowed because of a county that was small and clearly is known to have a majority of Trump supporters that live there. So when Biden won there, the locals all scratched their heads and asked themselves how a Biden win could have happened there. Biden didn’t win there. The Dominion machine cheated and gave a few thousand Trump votes to Biden. That was proven and those cheated votes in that county were reversed. The forensic audit there as of just this morning shows not only fraud but that the machines were made to accommodate fraudulent tabulations. In some cities, the day before the election, technicians showed up with thumb drives to do firmware upgrades.
So with non-disclosure (protected by lawful contracts) software and firmware controlling the fate of free peoples, is anyone else worried about the potential for fraud? I think that only open-source software can save us from tyranny here. Anyone else agree here?