Using computer or complex electronic machines to ease the voting events, is the worst thing to do.
I personnaly made a PoC 2 years ago, where I made a graphical voting software with ~1800 lines of C code
I put in place several tricks to change 3 lines of code in the final executable which made me able to change the results in realtime with no traces
I had several other angles to attack, but too complexe and lazyness, my point was already made.
But let’s say the compilation process from the code to the executable is correct and you end up with the legit executable
Even is your software is open-source,
what garantee I have that the day of voting, a modified version is not runnig ?
what garantee I have that the day after voting, the modified version has not been replaced by a legit version ?
Same questions about hardware.
The answer is ‘There is none’, anyone who claims differently is ignorant in this domain, a scammer, or a voting system seller
Because the intergrity of this automated system is in the hand of a human, which can be bias, corrupt or incompetent
I personnaly don’t want any of my political opposant to have that power.
A system of voting should be able to be verified by everyone… EVERYONE, even by your 10 years old child or your 99 years old grandma (assuming she had not lost her mind)
Else ? it means I have to trust a awful lots of people I don’t even know exist to be sure my vote has been counted with no modifications. That’s not what anyone should want in a democratic event.
If there is a thing that Germans did right, is that they forbid by law any complex system for voting (last time I checked)
USA is strugguling with computer/electronic voting for at least 20 years (I remember the -16000 votes for Gore in 2000, due to a faulty RAM)
That’s insane to me how they continue into that path (or very understandable if you put corruption in it)
Democracy is not a game and some people are working in this world to destroy this social system
If you want a real democratic voting system, do NOT prioritise ease-of-use over security because they will use every possible way to corrupt it, open-source is better, but far from enough