New kernel - system lock

It was offered a new kernel this morning:

# uname -a
Linux pureos 6.6.0-1-librem5 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 12 17:55:39 EDT 2025 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I installed it at 7 am CET and 5 hours later I found the L5 complete locked. Only a long press on the power button helped to reboot it.

edit: next lock at 15:30 CET, L5 is very hot; and there is running a proc gnome-clock doing something every second. Not started by me, I killed it.

edit: next lock at 12:30 CET, I terminated a SSH session over USB tethering, pulled out the cable, locked

Is someone @ purism working on this? Should I write to support@ ?


Have not had issues yet with the kernel upgrade yet.

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I had troubles with recent kernels as well. For now I’ve reverted my daily driver phone to 6.6.40 until these issues get solved.


After the yesterday update at 7am CET, I have in /boot:

purism@pureos:~$ ls -ltr /boot
total 221178
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     1024 Dec 22  2022 grub
drwx------ 2 root root    12288 Jun 23  2023 lost+found
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26118152 Oct  4  2023 vmlinuz-6.4.0-1-librem5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4056783 Oct  4  2023
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   201334 Oct  4  2023 config-6.4.0-1-librem5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 96815189 Nov 11  2023 initrd.img-6.4.0-1-librem5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       52 Nov 11  2023 dtb-6.4.0-1-librem5 -> dtbs/6.4.0-1-librem5/freescale/imx8mq-librem5-r4.dtb
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root     1024 Feb  2  2024 dtbs
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26873864 Jan 29 09:28 vmlinuz-6.6.0-1-librem5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4185380 Jan 29 09:28
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   215567 Jan 29 09:28 config-6.6.0-1-librem5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     2327 Mar 13 07:00 boot.scr.bak
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 67101863 Mar 13 07:01 initrd.img-6.6.0-1-librem5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       52 Mar 13 07:01 dtb-6.6.0-1-librem5 -> dtbs/6.6.0-1-librem5/freescale/imx8mq-librem5-r4.dtb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       52 Mar 13 07:01 dtb -> dtbs/6.6.0-1-librem5/freescale/imx8mq-librem5-r4.dtb
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     2327 Mar 13 07:01 boot.scr

How exactly I could go to the kernel before 7am CET?

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Can't turn on after latest update (kernel), no response to touch input, USB keyboard not working - #10 by irvinewade (and follow the link)

Or maybe you could remove the offending package and then flash-kernel

These might not be exact though because I don’t have a non-working system yet / may not have that update yet.

These options assume that the system is stable enough to complete those commands, which seems to be the case based on the OP.

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I am also having issues with the latest kernel image:


I updated a few hours after guru, and I noticed that the update was a kernel image, and I immediately started having issues.

My phone just freezes 10-15 minutes after I turn it on. I killed gnome-clocks, and that seems to help a little.

Can’t we do something like

sudo apt-get install  "previous linux image"

to downgrade to the previous kernel image?

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I also just email and linked to this forum thread! :slight_smile:

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I posted a link above where you can find packages with 6.6.40 kernel. All other versions are available there in other pipelines as well.

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I went this morning to this link, but could no see any pkg there. @dos please clarify. Thanks

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6.6.40 → build:deb → Job artifacts: Download

Then after unpacking that zip file

sudo apt install ./linux-image-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb ./linux-image-6.6.0-1-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb

I have no issues on my end although i am using my Librem 5 without a sim card. I was using it for an hour with no issues whatsoever

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Edit: Fixed package version and URLs according to @dos’s suggestions below.

For the record, here’s how I just successfully downgraded the Byzantium kernel to the version that @dos suggested (6.6.40).

  1. Download packages for the older kernel version 6.6.40 from PureOS’s GitLab CI artifact store:

    cd "$(mktemp -d)"
    curl -LO ''
    curl -LO ''
  2. Downgrade the kernel to 6.6.40:

    sudo dpkg -i \
      linux-image-6.6.0-1-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb \
  3. To keep apt upgrade from undoing your downgrade next time you run it, set up a blocklist that tells apt to ignore the two kernel versions 6.6.66 and 6.6.74 from now on:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/preferences.d
    sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/50_no_known_bad_kernel.pref << 'EOF'
    Package: linux-image-librem5 linux-image-*-librem5
    Pin: version 6.6.66pureos*
    Pin-Priority: -1
    Package: linux-image-librem5 linux-image-*-librem5
    Pin: version 6.6.74pureos*
    Pin-Priority: -1
  4. Confirm that the blocklist is configured correctly:

    $ sudo apt update && apt list --upgradable
    All packages are up to date.
    Listing... Done
  5. Restart the Librem 5.


That’s a package compiled for another distribution version (dawn). I don’t think using it will cause troubles in this particular case, but I won’t guarantee it either and in general you really shouldn’t mix packages from various suites this way.

The link I posted has a version compiled for byzantium.

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Thanks for the pointer. I wasn’t even aware that the version I used was not packaged from Byzantium. It’s not obvious to me when looking at the list.

Can you help me understand how you determined that the URL I used not for Byzantium, and where I could have found the correct image starting from the link you posted? So I can get it right the next time.

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The PureOS archive does not retain old versions of packages that aren’t referenced by any suite anymore, so the whole idea of downloading it from there smelled bad from the beginning :wink:



That’s unfortunate. Good to know.
I was expecting PureOS maintainers to retain old versions like other distros do.

Fair enough. I was just trying to be helpful, and tested and found it working before I posted it.
Thanks anyway for making me aware of the mixup.
With that being said, I’m horrified of the thought that there’s no archive whatsoever except for the GitLab instance, which may purge build artifacts anytime. I’m slowly losing the little trust there’s left in PureOS. The only thing that keeps me from switching to Mobian is the fact that my phone is way too degraded to make the switch.

Edit: Fixed the instructions so they now use the version from the GitLab CI artifact store.

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I’ve downloaded it, gave it this name and it brings:

$ unzip
   creating: debian/output/
 extracting: debian/output/linux-headers-6.6.0-1-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
 extracting: debian/output/linux-image-6.6.0-1-librem5-dbg_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
 extracting: debian/output/linux-image-6.6.0-1-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
 extracting: debian/output/linux-image-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
 extracting: debian/output/linux-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.buildinfo
 extracting: debian/output/linux-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.changes
$ ls -l debian/output/
total 37036
-rw-r--r--  1 guru wheel  8614292 17 jul.   2024 linux-headers-6.6.0-1-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
-rw-r--r--  1 guru wheel 17702184 17 jul.   2024 linux-image-6.6.0-1-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
-rw-r--r--  1 guru wheel 11417252 17 jul.   2024 linux-image-6.6.0-1-librem5-dbg_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
-rw-r--r--  1 guru wheel    31160 17 jul.   2024 linux-image-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.deb
-rw-r--r--  1 guru wheel     6329 17 jul.   2024 linux-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.buildinfo
-rw-r--r--  1 guru wheel     2775 17 jul.   2024 linux-librem5_6.6.40pureos1~byz1+gitlabci1_arm64.changes

Is this the correct one? Because it’s from July 2024…

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I wrote to Support@ an email:

Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 08:30:15 +0100                                                     
From: Matthias Apitz <>                                                   
To: Purism Support <>                                                      
Subject: frequent locks after update to 6.6.66pureos1~byz1, 6.6.74pureos1~byz1            
Hello Purism Support,                                                                     
With the apt-upgrade on March, 13 came among other packages:                              
    Start-Date: 2025-03-13  06:58:41                                                      
    Commandline: apt full-upgrade                                                         
    Requested-By: purism (1000)                                                           
    linux-image-6.6.0-1-librem5:arm64 (6.6.66pureos1~byz1, 6.6.74pureos1~byz1)            
    linux-image-librem5:arm64 (6.6.66pureos1~byz1, 6.6.74pureos1~byz1)                    
    End-Date: 2025-03-13  07:01:35                                                        
Since then I face frequent locks of my L5. See also the forum at                  
Such locks are fully reproducible with the following procedure:                           
- USB tethering a laptop                                                                  
- run a SSH session from the laptop into the L5                                           
- exit from SSH                                                                           
- pull out the USB cable --> lock                                                         
What is the official advice of Purism's Support for this, either as a                     
fix or providing a way back to a stable version?                                          
Thanks and Kind Regards

and got an automatic reply with a ticket number #7942.


I have been coming across the same issue. I think PureOS also keeps one older version of the kernel in /boot as well for occasions such as this. I always forget what the command is to downgrade to that kernel, though.


sudo flash-kernel <VERSION> --force

Though that’s only kept with major release granularity, so you’ll only be able to go back to 6.5.x this way if you have it still installed, which is very old at this point and may cause other problems when used with recent userspace.