New Librem 14 restart sent to BusyBox HELP!

I just received my new librem 14 and in attempting to set it up, I tried downloading spyder, but it didn’t work so I looked up how to properly setup the laptop and it told me to first restart. When I did that, it brought me to ‘Please unlock disk luks’
and had me enter my password a bunch of times before the load bar reached the end, and then it brought me to a initramfs BusyBox shell, and when I ran the exit command it prompts this:

please help me i have looked up and tried a million things but have no idea what am doing

Did you apt install spyder?

Are you talking about the IDE?

Are you referencing instructions from a web page?

That is normal behavior when restarting Pure OS.

Could it be that you have forgotten your password?

Thanks Jors I really appreciate your help. I was in contact with the support team and that was their concern too, because my password was made using English (US) but then I changed it to English (UK) not realising the symbols would be different. There is a # symbol in my password, and when I looked up the layout for the UK keyboard, it corresponded to the key to the left of the enter key, but that didn’t work, shift and that key didn’t work, so I got really stuck unless there is some other place # is located, since shift+3 now yields £.

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What actually matters is what character code is being generated.

I assume that with a UK keyboard there is still some way of producing the # character (U+0023). I assume that Ctrl-Shift-u doesn’t work at all during the early boot?? Does an external UK keyboard help at all?

Or looking at it from the other direction, from BusyBox is there some way of forcing the keyboard back to US?

Nothing seems to be working… if anyone can help figure this out I owe you my life

If this is really a brand new laptop then you can just blow it away and start again, this time without a LUKS password that contains a # character, right?

That kind of assumes that you have a PureOS USB flash drive for a live boot e.g. that came with the laptop. Do you??

Would I be able to use any free usb flash drive?

Yes, 8 GB should be enough. 3.0 isn’t necessary, but highly recommended (2.0 will be very slow).

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I’ve blown away PureOS and done a fresh install a couple of times on my Mini. The main concern for me was just making sure I had a fresh backup.

For a brand new laptop, there shouldn’t be a problem :slight_smile:

Yes provided that you have another computer to put the PureOS live booter on the flash drive, preferably another computer running Linux.