New Librem 5 on German Ebay * Sale * Selling * Buy * Buying

In case anybody is in urgent need:

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If out there urgent need to spend “some” money (donate EUR 999,00) link is here:

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Now it says “Dieses Angebot wurde beendet.” which apparently means “This offer has been terminated.”

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Well, yes and no. “Dieses Angebot wurde beendet.” as only one sentence would mean that the item is (was) sold (please see link from the first post above). And in addition, referring to the original post link, this auction received negative :no_entry: feedback (whatever this means).

Yet “Dieses Angebot wurde beendet. Der Verkäufer hat diesen oder einen gleichartigen Artikel wiedereingestellt.” means that the seller made/created new link: and few hours afterwards took it away (as not available, not offered any more) “as der Artikel nicht mehr verfügbar ist.”

Perhaps nothing that might be seen as amusing (or serious) within this Thread, until now!

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