New Librem Mini : firmwire issue :failed to load rtl_nic/rt18168e-3.fw (-2)

ls /var/lib/apt/list
should give you something like that
if you don’t have files there then there is something wrong with apt
try invoke apt-get update
it should fetch new files there
note you should have only files there,
i have some other repos imported, so your will not be exactly same.
if you have any other files there, please remove them.
and invoke sudo apt-get update again
if files are recreated that mean yous till have aditional entries in /etc/apt/sources.list or in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
you have to remove them.

all is about restoring apt configuration back to normal.
so we can put back your system to state as designed.
so you can recover graphical intefrace.
after that i will tell you exactly what to put into apt sources.list to get firmware
and what commands invoke :slight_smile:

thanks ninex so looks like lists is empty . i invoked apt-get update but no change as result. partial is empty.

thta looks bad.
means apt does not loading any repositories.
which ususaly means it’s not able to fetch any thing.
basically you had broken package system.
we have 2 options:

  1. bacup youtr home, reinstall.
  2. or try to fix apt
    that will take more time and there is no warranty.
    so i advising reinstall system.
    i am sorry, that i can’t help more.

to end this thread with positive thing:
only thing you need to install all binary blobs that are missing in poreos is:
edit /etc/apt/sources.list , add line:
#Debian non-free for firmware packages
deb bullseye non-free

then run:
sudo apt update
#optional intel graphics:
sudo apt install linux-firmware-nonfree
#optional rtl8166
sudo apt install realtek-firmware

if you have atk9k wifi and wish to have bluetooth workin:
sudo apt install firmware-atheros
that’s all

Just sharing all the errors i got on the screen . So how can i reinstall again ( commands ) ? will i need to use a usb ? Thanks for your help .

you will need 1 usb thumbdrive for os and second for backup if you wish to take anything fro your home:
on different machine download iso from link above.

from windows , use win32diskimager to burn image to flash drive.
from linux : identify device of thundrive
make sure it’s not automounted
execude dd if=pureos-10~devel-gnome-live-20210902_amd64.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress
note /dev/sdX is a thumdrive device reported in dmesg after you plug thumdrive

switch off your librem, put system thumdrive turn it on, on bios start screen pres enter, select boot device.
then you will be booted into pureos live usb , there is installer icon on desktop , run it follow instructions.
Note all harddrive content will be wiped

Ok thanks for the steps . So looks like this is a pureos 10 the beta version should i not use the stable version 9 ? instead ?

that’s your choice, but from i saw on your screenshots you had already pureos10

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Thanks for all your help .

So i had previously done disk encryption . Booting from USB drive now .On hitting the esc keys i still get directed to the command prompt . How to i get the options menu that will eventually allow me to boot from usb any thoughts ?

escape you should hit just after power on when purism logo is being presented.

i am doing just that . when i reach boot screen the keyboard input stops working and i am unable to move keys to select usb boot.

power off your device.
press and hold esc key on keyboard power it on
keep holding key.
you should see SeaBIOS menu saying select your boot device.
1 nvme
2 usb

this is post bios, boot laoder, system already booted from hard drive…
basically you are pressing to late.

it that doesn’t wrok, try different usb keyboard, probably one you you have initialises to slow.
so you are after bios phase when it start to work…

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switched from corsair keyboard to logitech one and pressed 2 but still its booting from hard disk.and its stuck at this .

tehn probably you did wrongly flashed pendrive…
we are one step clsoer
on what system you flashed that thumdrive?

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i flashed it on windows

f that was windows, there is probably issue that thumdrive was partitioned before flashing.

connect thumdrive to pc
run -> cmd
in cmd window type diskpart
now depending on number of disks you have in pc
thmbdrive would be last, so if you have single harddrive (we are not coutning partitions but physical disks)
then thumdrive will have number 2
so type in dispart prompt
select disk 2

then disconnect thumdrive, connect it again, windows will ask if you wish to format, say no
run win32diskimager and flash it again.

problem is caused that normally thumdrives have own partition table, so sometimes win32disk imager will flash to partition so slightly offset from start of the disk.
when it will end , retry booting your librem from it.

alternative method is

success! thanks to you :slight_smile: .

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