New Post: Retain Your Control and Customize Everything with Modular Software

It’s not just the Librem 5’s or The Liberty Phone hardware that’s modular. The OS itself is incredibly modular and fully editable to your will. Our defaults and preinstalled apps are well thought out and secure, but it’s just our suggestion of software to use, not a requirement by any means.


Great post.


Our default keyboard does the job, but there are other options. You can swap it out for OSK to take advantage of its advanced features that still need to be brought to our default.

Probably best to copy in an earlier warning:

Note that phosh-osk-stub is still considered experimental so make sure you have e.g. a USB Keyboard, jumpdrive or SSH access to recover in case anything goes wrong.

… in case anyone is tempted to give it a go.

We don’t lock down user freedoms and call it protection
