New Post: Shipping new SparkLAN Wifi cards with Librem 5

i forgot to ask was there a workaround in your case or firmware update that resolved the issue?

For librem 5 the obvious solution could be to switch from a HD audio to a SD audio stream that takes up less bandwidth. I tried to switch quality setting but for the kinovo it did not let me.

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Speaking of operating power, if it is connecting at 5 GHz, then it is going to use more power. The prior WiFi card was 2.4 GHz only, I think. Connecting to a 2.4 GHz only SSID is enough, but if it also has a 5 GHz band, then it might be good to disable 5 GHz from the phone, assuming that you want longer battery life than speed. Also, I am not sure if Target Wait Time is one of those features that only works when everything on the network is WiFi 6.

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Maybe, maybe not.

Pretty sure that that is not correct. I think I had my Librem 5 connected to 5 GHz at one time but it was struggling with range within the house so I changed to 2.4 GHz where the range was fine. The specs of the phone also originally said that it supported both bands.

If you are not using 5 GHz at all then yes, it would be good to disable it but perhaps it will be dormant most of the time anyway, just waking up occasionally to listen for beacon frames.

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It looks like the Redpine website (or Google) leads me to the single band part number. Yeah, completely disabling 5 GHz from the WiFi card side might require a driver or firmware setting.

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There was no workaround. Don’t recall if it was fixed through upgrades. I rarely used BT on that tablet. Did you notice the same BT impact on the WiFi throughput on the L5?

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Hmm…this is disappointing. It seems that it doesn’t really offer much over the Redpine at this stage other than advertised wifi speed. I do remember dos saying that the Sparklan card was still in early development so perhaps some of this is related to that. Fingers crossed.

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It also seems to come out of suspend more reliably. There have been several complaints about that before.


Frankly speaking the Redpine WiFi card is not bad at all.
I got my Redpine Librem 5 to work with an compact external Bluetooth keyboard.
And I got my Librem 5 to connect to WPA3 only protected WiFi networks (something that for example Raspberry Pi 4 is not able to do with the inbuilt WiFi module).
The only thing I missed with the Redpine was the possibility to create WPA3 WiFi access points and I think this was not because of the WiFi card but more a software issue so I doubt that this will be available immediately after the switch to the SparkLAN card.
So Librem 5 already had a very decent WiFi card and it just got an even better one.


The other thing missing from the Redpine is the HSP profile for calls, that’s a biggie for me.


I opted for using wired headphones because I found very reasonable options that are not made in China.
For example the wired Austrian Audio models X50, X55, X60, and X65 are made in Austria. (warning: their Bluetooth models are made in China)
Or the Beyerdynamic headphones are made in Germany.

But I see that if you want to use your Librem 5 for phone calls in your car, you might have no other option than HSP.

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But is that a BT card thing or just a software thing within Linux i.e. will be the same with any other BT card?

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Redpine cards don’t support HSP (but even if they did, we would be missing things in software to actually utilize it fully). Sparklan cards can be made to work with HSP (at least for a basic headset support, see the previous parenthesis ;)), but patches needed to avoid slowmo audio aren’t yet in PureOS.

That’s actually the one thing I haven’t managed to do with Sparklan card yet but did with Redpine - connecting to a WPA3-only network.


Heartbreaking. So it seems the SparkLAN card will stay in the drawer for now. :frowning:

Edit: There are sources on the Internet that claim that:
“To be accredited by the Wi-Fi Alliance, new Wi-Fi 6 hardware will need to use WPA3 to protect the network.” (source)
So it is really annoying that the WiFi 6 card is still not supporting WPA3 on Librem 5. Obviously it is purely a software issue but still annoying.


I agree that it is a bit disappointing having to choose between the faster reliable WiFi on the SparkLAN card and the functional Bluetooth of the Redpine card.

With that being said, the WiFi is way faster on the SparkLAN. And I can use the 5Ghz across my house, where before the signal on that frequency would drop once I left the room where the WiFi was.

Most of my use for Bluetooth is streaming audio to speakers, and the only place I can’t use an aux cable is my car (no input jack that I can see anyways). I may choose to put up with it for now while development continues and see if there is any improvement in the future.

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That’s my hope as well that it’s merely driver development that needs to progress and it’s not fundamentally a hardware issue which would be very disappointing considering I just bought one…lol.


I received mine today. I bought it because of two main reasons:

  1. Really bad bluetoot/Wifi signal on the redpine
  2. HSP/HFP not supported on redpine

I also had to flash the firmware jail because my device is quite old.

I had the same problem as this users. The cable was short. I had to disassamble everything just to find out that the cable is actually too short and cannot get to the plug. I’m letting it pass on a different path.

Problem 2 is solved, I can use headphones’ microphone. But the signal is still really poor (less than 1m from the device and the audio stutter (and wifi disconnects. Display is on). Just out of curiosity I tried to plug the main antenna in the AUX connector and it’s working better. Maybe I have an hardware problem with my librem 5.

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What’s making you say that Bluetooth is more functional on Redpine cards than SparkLAN ones? My experience says otherwise.

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Hey just wondering based on my earlier post:

Have you tried the bluetooth streaming with wifi and with wifi off, do both result in stuttering or only in one scenario. What is the AUX connector: can you take a picture where you connected it?

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With the Redpine there was some stuttering when I connected to a speaker, but most of the audio was clear. On the SparkLAN it is opposite. Most of the stream is stuttering while a small portion is clear :confused:

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Updates that should help with that are coming soon. I’ve been listening to music over A2DP using SparkLAN card in the past few days and it was flawless.