NixOS + Pureboot - partitioning advice?

Hi, I’m wanting to try NixOS on my LMv2 with Pureboot. I downloaded the standard NixOS GNOME iso and did default partitioning. Initial boot yielded “No bootable OS was found on the default boot device /dev/sda1” from Pureboot.

Would anyone please share their partitioning steps used with NixOS and Pureboot? Any tips?

Possible relevant sites:

How do I install Ubuntu 22 onto my Librem 14?” indicates Pureboot needs an unencrypted boot partition. Could this be the issue?

Installing NixOS” yields " NixOS by default uses the ESP (EFI system partition) as its /boot partition. It uses the initially reserved 512MiB at the start of the disk."

The NixOS Installation Guide has partitioning steps but I cannot determine, yet, if they are compatible with Pureboot.

It looks like if you followed the UEFI (GPT) section of Installing NixOS — NixOS Manual documentation, your /boot partition would be /dev/sda3. You’d need to change your /boot device to /dev/sda3 in PureBoot.

  1. Options > Change configuration settings > Change the /boot device
  2. Select /dev/sda3, continue
  3. Back on the configuration menu, “Save the current configuration to the running BIOS”

If you’re not using Basic mode, you’ll then need to re-sign /boot and generate a new HOTP secret (it may ask you to do these things).

The reason it’s /dev/sda3 in this case is because of the order the guide instructs you to create the partitions. They are essentially numbered in order of creation, not their order on disk, though most installers/guides create them in the same order they’re found on disk anyway.

NixOS is not an OS I test frequently but I believe it will work in this configuration. If not, please follow up with any other errors you get.

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Thank you. I’ll give this a try.

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