No notification sounds from Geary?

Thanks for those links, and yes I think notifications are quite important.
I’ve for now resolved it by mapping all services (as many possible) to matrix with bridges and using chatty.

Do you mean that you get sound notifications when matrix messages come in using Chatty? I don’t

I definitely do.
So I’ve bridged Telegram, Signal to matrix and I get notification for any of them (since matrix itself is logged in through chatty).
Even mails can be bridged (I didn’t)

Good find. I guess it was the last update, I get notification sounds too! I had disabled my matrix account on Chatty due to no notification. I just checked it again and actually it works. Thanks for pointing it out.

Are you running your own server? How did you do the bridging part through Matrix? Sorry I haven’t used it but I just got a matrix account through the element website.

Yes I run my own instance.
However there is also, cheaper than hosting your own instance if you prefer.
Also in case if you want to host your own, easy way to add bridges.

Ah ok I have a VPS running docker so I’ll set one up…any tips, gotchas?

It’s easy with ansible playbook and quite involved if you try to setup yourself.
However if you have a know how then go ahead otherwise stick to ansible playbook.
With playbook it’s quite easy and straightforward, given you actually read through configuration first.

yeah i cant use it on my setup i already have docker installed and a reverse proxy with letsencrypt. I got synapse running along with the signal bridge in another container.

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