"No WWAN Adapter Found"


I’ve been getting a No WWAN Adapter Found error on my L5 for some time now. I never made a complaint here because I thought it would be fixed in the andrecent upgrades, but it still doesn’t work.

I’ve always had the same SIM in the slot. I’ve tried rebooting over 10 times now and toggling the kill switches, but still nothing. Everything else works fine, though.

Note: I don’t use the phone as a daily driver yet and haven’t tweaked anything on it. It’s still in its new/factory state. I’ve just been turning it on and updating it now and then and maybe a little light web browsing here and there. I also have a working SIM in it and make a few texts and calls sometimes to see if the phone itself continues to work properly.

Any recommendations on what I could try? Thanks in advance.

This is what I’m seeing in relation to the wwan in output if it helps

[  843.828727] usb 1-1.2: Device is not authorized for usage
[  843.943873] option 1-1.2:1.0: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[  843.945297] usb 1-1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[  843.945855] option 1-1.2:1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[  843.946706] usb 1-1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1
[  843.947238] option 1-1.2:1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[  843.948171] usb 1-1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB2
[  843.948884] option 1-1.2:1.3: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
[  843.949849] usb 1-1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB3
[  843.970957] qmi_wwan 1-1.2:1.4: cdc-wdm0: USB WDM device
[  843.972191] qmi_wwan 1-1.2:1.4 wwan0: register 'qmi_wwan' at usb-xhci-hcd.4.auto-1.2, WWAN/QMI device, ea:fd:ca:89:d0:13

Check Settings -> Privacy -> Screen lock. Is “Forbid new USB devices” selected there?

Nope. It’s disabled.

“mobile data” enabled or disabled?

What do you mean? Is that a setting somewhere?

When I click Settings -> Mobile there are no options. Just a splash screen that says “No WWAN Adapter Found”.

1 Like

@dos any word on this? Even if I wanted to sell my phone, I cant because the wireless adapter just stopped working after an upgrade. I havent customized anything on the phone. It just stopped working. :frowning:

What’s the output of sudo usbguard list-devices with the modem turned on?

@dos sorry for the late reply. I was out of town. Here’s the output:

25: allow id 1d6b:0002 serial "xhci-hcd.4.auto" name "xHCI Host Controller" hash "kQKNcgqMBsbagqNrEZFMYdCt6kdadyVVBxg4x9VK9go=" parent-hash "iYuLaQrAiU9m6xUd633yrcy/dMJ4TvP7ADeGDazcRPk=" via-port "usb1" with-interface 09:00:00 with-connect-type ""
26: allow id 1d6b:0003 serial "xhci-hcd.4.auto" name "xHCI Host Controller" hash "mcDnwSyQCEbrHN1uXhh7PtCTDE1y9uSiQl5XZ45HCbg=" parent-hash "iYuLaQrAiU9m6xUd633yrcy/dMJ4TvP7ADeGDazcRPk=" via-port "usb2" with-interface 09:00:00 with-connect-type ""
27: allow id 0424:2640 serial "" name "" hash "vcQCvo7og/OsiyjGJkBpBhxttJR/CC2E95j94p5kh0I=" parent-hash "kQKNcgqMBsbagqNrEZFMYdCt6kdadyVVBxg4x9VK9go=" via-port "1-1" with-interface 09:00:00 with-connect-type "unknown"
28: allow id 0424:4041 serial "000008264001" name "Ultra Fast Media Reader" hash "/n4+TxQYKGFFqJp/mp7l/cv1jqdEZx4BW/O9ooJwjeY=" parent-hash "vcQCvo7og/OsiyjGJkBpBhxttJR/CC2E95j94p5kh0I=" via-port "1-1.1" with-interface 08:06:50 with-connect-type "unknown"
29: allow id 2020:2060 serial "" name "Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM" hash "1E5MUAqBN4Iq7aIBy9C66mfhsybxqVMgqb0Zo2g0vPw=" parent-hash "vcQCvo7og/OsiyjGJkBpBhxttJR/CC2E95j94p5kh0I=" via-port "1-1.2" with-interface { ff:ff:ff ff:ff:ff ff:ff:ff ff:fe:ff ff:ff:ff } with-connect-type "unknown"

How about mmcli -m any then?


  General  |                    path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
           |               device id: b83fbb2b7203defa0c4d9198a25aece49dbbd274
  Hardware |            manufacturer: QUALCOMM INCORPORATED
           |                   model: 0
           |       firmware revision: MPSS.JO.2.0.2.c1.1-00032-9607_GENNS_PACK-1.351938.1  1  [Nov 26 2020 02:00:00]
           |          carrier config: ROW_Generic_3GPP
           | carrier config revision: 05010821
           |            h/w revision: 10000
           |               supported: gsm-umts, lte
           |                          cdma-evdo, lte
           |                          lte
           |                          cdma-evdo, gsm-umts, lte
           |                 current: cdma-evdo
           |            equipment id: 863974040670152
  System   |                  device: /sys/devices/platform/soc@0/38200000.usb/xhci-hcd.4.auto/usb1/1-1/1-1.2
           |                 drivers: option, qmi_wwan
           |                  plugin: broadmobi
           |            primary port: cdc-wdm0
           |                   ports: cdc-wdm0 (qmi), ttyUSB0 (qcdm), ttyUSB1 (at), ttyUSB2 (at), 
           |                          ttyUSB3 (at), wwan0 (net)
  Status   |                   state: enabled
           |             power state: on
           |             access tech: gsm
           |          signal quality: 57% (cached)
  Modes    |               supported: allowed: 2g; preferred: none
           |                          allowed: 3g; preferred: none
           |                          allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 3g
           |                          allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 2g
           |                          allowed: 2g, 4g; preferred: 4g
           |                          allowed: 2g, 4g; preferred: 2g
           |                          allowed: 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
           |                          allowed: 3g, 4g; preferred: 3g
           |                          allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
           |                          allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 3g
           |                          allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 2g
           |                 current: allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
  Bands    |               supported: egsm, dcs, pcs, g850, utran-1, utran-4, utran-5, utran-8, 
           |                          utran-2, eutran-1, eutran-2, eutran-3, eutran-4, eutran-5, eutran-7, 
           |                          eutran-8, eutran-28, eutran-34, eutran-38, eutran-39, eutran-40, 
           |                          eutran-41, eutran-66, cdma-bc0
           |                 current: egsm, dcs, pcs, g850, utran-1, utran-4, utran-5, utran-8, 
           |                          utran-2, eutran-1, eutran-2, eutran-3, eutran-4, eutran-5, eutran-7, 
           |                          eutran-8, eutran-28, eutran-34, eutran-38, eutran-39, eutran-40, 
           |                          eutran-41, eutran-66, cdma-bc0
  IP       |               supported: ipv4
  CDMA     |                    meid: A1000043ED67AC
           |                     esn: 8045D7BE
           |              activation: not-activated

What kind of network are you trying to use? Also, which modem variant do you have?

This shows that it’s trying to use CDMA-EVDO and it seems that the provider rejects the activation. CDMA providers are not supported.

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Oh I see. That’s odd because this is the same provider/SIM that I’ve always used in the phone. Are you sure that’s the issue though? Why would it tell me that there is “No WWAN Adapter Found” if there actually is one? Shouldn’t that error message say something like “SIM doesnt work for provider” or something similar?

They might’ve recently caught on, some internal audit or something.

Because actually there isn’t one. :wink:

Yes, the error messages could be more helpful.

A lot of things have to work in order to make use of the mobile network.

  • modem :heavy_check_mark:
  • SIM
  • registration with the mobile network
  • creation of devices and interfaces on the Linux side
  • bringing up the interface e.g. getting an IP address (in the case of mobile data)

Based on what you have posted so far, only the first thing is confirmed.

I would guess you are falling down on the third thing. The error message I think is complaining about the fourth thing (which by definition can’t work if the third thing hasn’t worked).

As far as the SIM goes, if you have another phone to test with, you could verify the SIM in that other phone i.e. shut down your Librem 5, remove the SIM and try it in another phone.

It may help to mention what country you are in and what mobile service provider you are using (in addition to the modem variant).

So, as this has happened to me again, and I cannot find the answer (it’s not here) as to why I would see the same thing on my L5?

A simple answer that would me Wi-Fi back - again. To answer your probable question, I don’t know what fixed it before - not something I thought one would have to remember

It’s partner that happens along with the topic error is:

Oops, something has gone wrong. Please contact your software vendor:
        NetworkManager needs to be running

Where is this “NetworkManager” and how do I make him run and run where - in to hiding I bet.

Never a moment of boredom with this thing. There’s always something.

How Did I Get This Again?

Easy. I expected it to be useful.

  1. Phone was placed on it’s charger cradle with tap to Pwr switch to sleep/suspend/connive (?) and left plugged in for 2 days.

  2. Today, I removed phone and left it in what ever state it was in.
    At a restaurant, I couldn’t connect to Wi-Fi. It’s the phone, not the WiFi. Others w/ me and their leash (aka Android and Apple phone) had no problem connecting to WiFi.
    ~ Some things, like tap Settings > Network takes almost 10 seconds for Settings to appear, and tap Network. Meanwhile, I get to stare at Debian blue background for 23 seconds
    ~ Network has no bars, just a small “x” in the icon.
    ~ Cannot 'swipe down and use Power Off options. It just hangs with the LIBREM ad.
    ~ Starting anything takes 10 seconds, then Debian blue screen shows up - another 23 seconds then “Network Connections” shows up devoid of any information help.

I have

  1. Plugged it back into cradle - tapped to wake from suspend/sleep/contemplating - and noted:
    ~ Network manager was being lazy and not running.

  2. Hard shutdown (hold button in until passes out.
    ~ rebooted - problem still exists.
    ~ Hard shutdown - removed battery, Replaced battery, rebooted - no change.

  3. Hard shutdown.
    ~ disconnected from adapter.
    ~ removed and replaced battery again.
    ~ rebooted - froze
    ~rebooted - same thing no change.

I would like to light a fire under the manager and get him to run so I have NetworkManager doing it’s job!
