Mladen and João have been hard at work writing up two PureOS Wiki entries for Librem 5 apps. One for apps available from our repo and one for 3rd party repo apps. Check out and contribute to both below:
Since these are probably going to be very central lists of compatible apps, could it be possible to add a column with direct link to see what their internationalization/localization/translation status is (if such info exists)? With gnome apps this should be pretty simple have this “human compatibility aspect” as well there.
Yes, I saw that and do not consider it user/customer friendly. Hence the ask for Damned Lies (Gnome apps - others may use something else) page of each app, which has very nice visual info for just something like this.
Yes it does. Also I’ll pass the feedback along regarding translation status though I foresee that being on a different page. First step is getting the apps listed and working.
I saw that today. Yes, the new version of GNOME sound recorder uses libhandy and is mobile adaptive. But it is still in the development branch, nightly, it will be stable by GNOME 3.38