If you can’t find a solution for your computer, you can try plug a live usb, decrypt and mount drive and save whatever configs to another drive then reinstall os to main drive. I would suggest checking out repairing instead though. Please upload some system logs so we can see some info. What packages were last modified and such.
No (as you might get there again), IMHO, just/perhaps using Terminal from time to time might help (perhaps another approach on how to upgrade usage applies: accustomed one instead of automated one).
Here just few good/useful (think about) tips: sudo dpkg --configure -a
After Ethernet connection on (in Recovery mode, see below): “try this basic command to solve that problem”: apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y apt autoremove
How to get there / how to start recovery: a. hold PowerOff button (if not using CTRL+ALTR+FX) and b. hit Esc several times after PowerOn (within few seconds, just as I recall now), this will get (allow to get) you (administrator) into Recovery Mode.
Share with us how you solved things, please, as it’s your turn now. It is nothing dramatic ( probably you’ve installed something that Gnome don’t like, therefore above error).
If you are looking for how to reboot the computer without holding down on the power button for 20 seconds, you can press CTRL+ALT+F1 (or F2, F3, F4, F5 or F6) to login a terminal with your normal user and password.
Then enter this command: sudo reboot
If you just want to login again without rebooting, you can restart gdm: sudo systemctl restart gdm
Thanks @Quarnero but the response is: gdm.service is not active, cannot reload invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm3, action "reload" failed
I’ll just get a new HDD and start over.
The only thing lost is the time I spent on setting it up. I had copies of what was sort of needed. I never store anything important on anything connected to the 'net. The phone company doesn’t store my messages, I do. And comps, I disconnect the modem cables, copy data to wherever. Then disconnect from wherever and reconnect to the trashnet.
Thanks for empathy though, losing a HDD is hard to take.
Well, things got worse. The, when I rebooted started sounding like a grandfather clock. I’ve heard that before over the years. So, this morning, is put in a old HDD and reinstalled Pure over that. The knock at the door a while later was my 2 new 2Tb HDDs.
Before I remove the old HDD and start Pure install again a new 2TB, if I wanted to, is it easy (for me) to install Pure and Ubuntu, or any of he other ‘flavours’(?) lie Debian, Mint Pop_ etcetera?
Is it the same as setting dual boot with a Linux and Win 10? If it is, it’s not worth the effort.
I hope to have a desktop with Pure as main, then Ubuntu or Pop_OS as second on dual boot. Here is another, with 2nd 2Tb HDD I’d like to have Mint, or Debian and Win 10.
All the above would get their own 1Tb partition. I intend to have a 4th 4Tb HDD x 4 partitions as my dbase.
Please don’t go out of your way. Just asking if it’s possible and not too hard to do. I’ll look up how. All I found so far is ‘flavour’ dual with Win 10. Everything is dual with Win 10. Is dual boot Pure with Pop_OS duable?
Yes, keeping in mind that BIOS vs UEFI might complicate things, but other than that’s it’s fairly simple. A general rule of thumb is to install windows first and your “primary” OS last.
For PureOS I’d create only three mandatory partitions: ef02 one (+32768), boot (+1048576) and home up to the half of the one of yours HDDs. Yet to tell Calamares that it should use three partitions as a whole (8300 for 2nd and 3rd one) we need to create fourth to reserve the space for the latter partitions. For first two I’d stay with gdisk /dev/sd[x] command, but for other two (before you click on Install PureOS icon) you might choose to use Gparted (search for Desktop icon) afterwards as somehow easier to find midpoint of your HDD (half of it for the first three partitions). You don’t need to necessary format fourth partition (don’t use it during PureOS install … just writing something that you know already), but creating it under GPT will expedite your next installation).
But before you start to install (might be related one of your posts here) check please the third partition with: sudo parted /dev/sd[x]
(parted) align-check opt 3
3 aligned
(parted) q
As I find Debian-Installer up to the my taste I’d recommend to install Debian with non-free firmware as it will recognize all needed for your WS (so you can double-check PureOS non-free add-ons). Just after apt upgrade please execute apt full-upgrade as well. End this first boot (after installation) with apt autoremove and apt reboot. Third and fourth options for this BIOS MBR mode HDD perhaps might be Devuan (just because you asked) or How-to: Gentoo Linux from @lperkins2 (both are non-systemd).
For the second HDD with WIN10 (under UEFI mode) up front as @Gavaudan recommended (by planing to have /dev/sd[x]6, plus others, from the middle of HDD), the best option is to go with some other distributions, but if you want to make things as simple as possible (keep/make your PureOS user experience advanced than use the same Debian image as above linked or take Pop_OS (if @reC don’t mind). Also, Ubuntu was always very reliable distro (learned a lot from it, but after 14.04 LTS, or even earlier, I lost my contact with it completely).
I was going to defend my reason for POP_OS but it turned out like a review. So I deleted it. But it did have some advantages I couldn’t find in Ubuntu. I’ve decided to leave the Win 10 1Tb HDD on it’s own. If there is a need for Win10, I’ll get there via Boot option. That process alone will act as a pleasant deterrent. So, Ubuntu it is! Plus, I am anxious to have one database for apps, and storage that each O/S can access each other’s -stuff- On a Intel yet (I hear that’s odd).