OpenGL does not work right on my Librem 11

Can someone please help me. Open GL does not seem to work on my Librem 11.

Video-playback kinda works, but it has performance problems and issues with the darkest tones. Only the built in “Videos” app and “VLC” can play videos. (Although VLC have other issues. Doesn’t work with the Phosh UI). Other video payers from the PureOS Store (“Clapper” and “Celluloid”) don’t work at all. They refuse to open any video file.

I have a few games that are packaged as AppImages. They dont launch at all. I get the following error if I try to launch them from the console: “error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”.

Firefox is the odd exception. Both video-playback and WebGl works inside that browser.

I don’t know why and I don’t know how to troubleshoot this.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


Have you tried sudo apt install libopengl to see what it suggests, and see if there is some equivalent that will install this missing component? Sometimes pushing tab on that will suggest alternatives until you find the one you need.


I got “Unable to locate package libopengl” back.

I should also mention that i also own a Librem 14, and none of these problems exist on it. Videos play without performance issues and dark-tone issues, and those very same games that don’t launch on the Librem 11 play perfectly without issue on the Librem 14.

Isn’t that kinda strange since they both come with the same operating system (PureOS)?

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apt install libopengl-dev

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No, the Librem 11 uses Crimson, while other Librem products still use Byzantium.


So these are new bugs introduced in Crimson then?

Can we reasonably expect that they will be fixed in an update soon? In the not to distant future?

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The games work now! Thank you! :pray:

But the video-playback problems persist :frowning_face: .


On Firefox or Where?

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Packages may be deprecated in later releases:

You can if you want, but I prefer not having expectations with Purism.

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