Other advanced forms of hacking: Powerhammer, TEMPEST, etc

Do Librem laptops also protect against Power line attacks like “powerhammer” and/or RF vulnerabilities like Van Eck Phreaking? Would be nice if Librems were tempest-shielded and also protected from Powerhammer attacks since ethernet via power line is becoming more popular.


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No, see also (Qubes OS Forum - All around Qubes trust level 2):

says page not found

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It requires trust level 2 and up on the Qubes OS Forum.

How can I get to level 2?

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Basically, contribute and participate. You are currently trust level 1 on both the Purism community forums and the Qubes OS Forum, so you only need one more level to access the “trust-walled” forum category.

Thanks - gonna try and get elevated to higher. Thanks.

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I remember the good old days in the 1970s’ when a red team truck sat outside our scif checking the Tempest on our IBM Selectrics.


I remember writing code to automate what was essentially multi-font printing on a IBM Selectric. The
text would be written in a primitive markdown language and the program would control the typewriter
while prompting the user to manually change the typeface-ball on the Selectric. It was for the
math department, before TeX was available.

No SCIF. No Red Team. No Tempest. Just the Math Team.

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