Persistent display for L5?

I am finding that adjusting the display to 175% suits me and fits everything on the screen. On reboot though it reverts back to 200%.

Is there any way to make 175% persistent?

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Not that I am aware of.

Shame. 175 is perfect. Minor problem of course!

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I think wlr-randr --scale 1.75 should change the scale (check man wlr-randr for documentation). Then it’s just a question of running that at startup, for instance with a systemd unit or a cron.


See old threads: Tutorial: Create Shortcuts to Scale Display Up/Down and Problem setting up desktop shortcut for a shell script - #7 by ASwyD2


Thank you! I thought it might be possible with something like this. I’ll investigate.

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You can call the fix “175 proof” for marketing purposes. Need to be over a certain age however, but you can add the age of the modem.

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The place to set this is


Backup the original

cp /usr/share/phosh/phoc.ini /usr/share/phosh/

Edit the display settings (uncomment #[output:DSI-1])
sudo nano /usr/share/phosh/phoc.ini

scale = 1.75

restart phosh

sudo systemctl restart phosh


Thank you. That’s pretty straightforward actually.

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False proof…I’m now 67. The beneficiary however of two cataract operations that gave me back teenage vision and got rid of my glasses that I’ve had for 30 years :smiley:

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Great, mark @laccata’s post as a solution.

Done. Excellent.

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Good for you. :+1:
When I applied that solution, I ended up with a black screen after booting, so I had to reverse it.

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Did you remove the # from #[output:DSI-1]? This line is commented out in the default file.

#scale = 2


scale =1.75

If you leave it commented you will get a black screen - I did.

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That’s the wrong way to do which can end up with huge issues (depending on your use case).

The correct steps are:
Creating the file /etc/phosh/phoc.ini including the may non existing directory. Put in:

scale = 1.75

Save. Everything is done. Instead of restarting Phosh (nothing wrong about it, but not necessary), the 175% scale can be chosen in settings app.

What’s wrong with your solution? An update can overwrite /usr/share/phosh/phoc.ini. I changed my Phosh UI too and I use 150% screen scale. The result was after an update that I could not enter PIN without physical keyboard attached, because the UI was scaled outside of screen space.

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Thank you for these replies. I might just wait I think.

I held off, not wanting to battle the small keyboard.


You’re welcome. But as I said, /etc/phosh/phoc.ini is save. It overwrites the specific lines of the other file and is fully under your own control. Using it for many month now.