Privacy without kill switches for cameras and microphone

Does anybody have suggestions to protect privacy on the Librem 11 for cameras and microphone becuase there are no kill switches?

It’s hard to believe the Purism has manufactured this device without kill switches. Very disappointing and troubling to say the least.

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It is OK it is for Linux-FOSS Peoples. :wink:

Well, if I had the Librem 11, I would heat the back to remove the adhesive, disassemble the Librem 11, then physically remove the camera module and microphone. Note that this procedure may void your warranty.

For the average consumer, you can toggle the camera or microphone on or off within the Settings app, provided that you trust PureOS.

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Thanks, that is a great suggestion and I would really be interested if anybody had removed the camera module and microphone and would share details on their experience in doing that. Does anyone know if OpenSnitch can be used to block the microphone and camera?

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OpenSnitch is a firewall that monitors network traffic; it is not designed for blocking any hardware devices.

Probably when the Librem 11 v2 comes out.

Thanks sounds like my old sysadmin skills will pay off to do this. BTW have you identified the module names for camera & mic that you could share?

I think that using Qubes OS is almost as good as using the hardware kill switches, because it relies on hardware virtualization to isolate the devices.

I do not think it is anywhere near as good, as the hardware kill switches’ ability to physically disconnect the hardware’s power current cannot be internally bypassed by software, firmware, or hardware.

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In case of Qubes, only hardware could bypass it. And if you don’t trust it, you’re in trouble…

It is why I trust hardware kill switches more than most other tools at the moment, and learned about fortifying and defeating physical security after the pandemic.