Pure is store disappeared after update L5

Hi Captain_Morgan,

just to mention: If you have some kind of USB-C to USB Adapter or a Docingstation working. Or some working Bluetooth-Keyboard (take care!).

You can use your Librem5 Phone just like a usual Linux Desktop Computer. Use Alt + CTRL + F1 or F2 to go to the TTY-Sessions, log in and run an Update from there, if your Gnome Desktop got broken. :wink:

If the L5 did its boot you can push the Volume Down button on the right to switch to a verbose Boot Screen with Messages. This was kind of Refreshing for me when systemd run some kind of fsck, and i was just waiting for updates after i enter the LUKS passphrase.

So fee free to remove it, let in the worst case scenarios your Gnome-Shell crash and update it from TTY and Reboot later, after you install the necessary Packages.

Have a nice Summer!

Thanks, my L5 boots fine, it just has a package dependency issue so cannot install Nautilus or Software Store app, and cannot install the baseline pureos librem5 apps,

would you use TTY on the L5 or on an external computer? Using the Alt + CTRL + F# key on Ubuntu does not seem to be doing anything, and on the L5 that combination only works with an external keyboard, the OSK can’t handle it… , plugging in the phone through jumpdrive does not seem to be recognized in TTY as an external computer or user in the Ubuntu terminal;


sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*
sudo apt update

If the phone boots fine, you can also just wait until the issue corrects itself (seems like apt keeps one of the package lists outdated instead of downloading a fresh one for some reason, but it should do it anyway on its own once the package list signature expires).


This is the solution!! You rock, not sure how you knew that?? I was looking far and wide and this never came up as a solution on the interweb. Phone is back to normal, had to reinstall Nautilus since i nuked it and some others, but all apps now install.

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sudo apt update && sudo apt install librem5-gnome - this worked and brought back the PureOS Store! Thank you!


none of the previous has helped me!

I believe that there is a typo in the title of this topic. I believe it is supposed to read: PureOS Store disappeared …

So has your PureOS Store disappeared?

Can you post a screenshot showing what you do see?

I had the same issue; this fixed it up for me. THANK YOU :smiley: