PureOS For Vacuum Cleaners?

Via MalwareBytes.com

Robot vacuum cleaners hacked to spy on, insult owners

Posted: October 14, 2024 by [Pieter Arntz]

Multiple robot vacuum cleaners in the US were hacked to yell obscenities and insults through the onboard speakers.

What’s next? Over 2 million shower-heads sold in Washington D.C. accidentally shipped with camera/microphone have been hacked and images and audio sold on White Net. :rofl:

Can IoT get any worse! Ask the ChatBot - my favourite this week is this story

AI girlfriend site breached, user fantasies stolen
A hacker has stolen a massive database of users’ interactions with their sexual partner chatbots, and some of the data is horrifying.

Be sure your anti-stalkers are turned on since the link starts with

I wonder. What if AI says it wasn’t consensual? :thinking:


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