PureOS Optional Subscription Added to Advance Development

Great news. I will be subscribing because it is important. I will put my money where my mouth is.


This is a promising Message from Dlonk when mentioning RMS :heart: instead of Linus_Whatever.

Thank you Dlonk :pray:

Great. Also let us know when you are subscribed :wink:

I still not suscribed because Purism_Staff it is not Free Software but FOSS, FLOSS, OSI, WHATEVER which i do not tolerate for some reason.IMHO.
However montly subscribe it is a Free Software things. Thank you Purism.
Also i not happy that Purism moved/donated Purism Mobile Stack for Gnome Fundation, i know this it is needed to reach the Autonomy but it has its disadvantages which we are already suffering from(i will not give details).


Can you please elaborate on this? Did I miss something? When did this happen?


They started moving from Calls on 2021

Now all Purism Mobile Stack is moved to Gnome Opensource Fundation: Phosh · GitLab


With due respect, it seems pretty disingenuous to say “This thing is bad and I will not elaborate further…” If you are suggesting that something is detrimental to the overall project, you should be willing to back that statement up with proof of why/how it is harming the project. I personally believe the GNOME/Purism partnership is a net positive for mobile Linux because it opens those projects up to a larger maintainer base considering how much of those applications are inherently connected to lower-level GNOME libraries.


Also i not happy that Purism moved/donated Purism Mobile Stack for Gnome Fundation […]

It has always been Purism’s goal to work with upstream, as explained here: https://puri.sm/posts/how-to-be-upstream-first/
Relevant forum thread: https://forums.puri.sm/t/new-post-how-to-be-upstream-first/16999

Aside: I have seen you criticize Linux time and time again but provide very few reasons for the hostility. As @anotherpurismuser says, it is disingenuous and doesn’t provide the “offending” party any opportunity to receive feedback. As it stands, it’s just your opinion with no actionable criticism.

I still not suscribed because Purism_Staff it is not Free Software but FOSS, FLOSS, OSI, WHATEVER which i do not tolerate for some reason.

As far as I can tell, Purism tries to use as much free software as possible, but in order to stay relevant, they have made some compromises. The Librem 5 would have never been released if they needed it to be 100% free in every aspect. It is an unrealistic prospect at their current size to be 100% free software, and they need to grow first in order to be able to contribute more to free software.


@JCS Any chance we could get semi-live metrics on how many subscribers there are on the website in the coming months?

It would be my opinion that might encourage more people to donate if they saw how many people are banding together to support PureOS development and lend more goodwill towards Purism for transparency. Otherwise, the lack of transparency of the subscription might discourage other funders.


Not to disrespect your opinion but I have also seen it work in the exact opposite way i.e. “oh, other people are doing the heavy lifting, so I don’t need to”. So I think this would be a finely balanced decision.

I think the #1 thing that will encourage subscribers is seeing results i.e. “this month our subscribers funded the following released improvements”.


Yay I’m a subscriber to PureOS!

So excited to enjoy all the benefits and perks of my subscription :stuck_out_tongue:

Biggest request for development: allow sxmo as an alternative interface! :slight_smile:


Just throwing out my opinion, I would like to see the librem.one subscriptions tied into PureOS development. That way, contributors can still feel like they are getting value for their subscription during both the highs and lows of software development. If not enough progress happens fast enough, people might get discouraged and feel like they are throwing good money after bad with nothing to show for it.


At the same time, Librem.One also requires money to operate.


Which is also a valid reason. People cannot spend endless amounts of money and have to decide on which places they want to spend it. If Purism gets enough money to make ongoing work, I may want to focus on supporting volunteers, which is also helping the whole mobile Linux community.

I’m always up for more transparency and I guess this wouldn’t be something bad for Purisms publicity. They could make a goal based transparency: “if we reach out amount XYZ, we can hire a new dev that will focus completely on software development”. This way people see that every further Dollar will also help further.


I’m not sure about the implementation details. I would have to work with the developers managing the web store to see how feasible this is. I will say, however, that Purism has heard the outcry for improved transparency and development accountability, and is working toward making this happen in current/future crowdfunding efforts.


I think I emailed purism support a week ago and never saw a reply on a fairly mundane question where the best/easiest answer is for them to tell me I shouldn’t worry about my question, and that there is not any new information about my order statuses. But rather than to tell me that like I would have expected, I did not see a reply for the past week.

Does subscribing to the expert software in any way influence likelihood of purism support replying to my emails, or are those two just totally disconnected as can be? (Such as where getting a reply from support is totally dependent on when some human guy gets around to it)


There is also the Fund Your App campaign. Where you can donate for specific applications. I think that it would be motivating to subscribe/donate if there were some concrete goals that are worked towards from the subscriptions. For example some top requested applications:

Or milestones of the roadmap:

  • Pushing PureOS to the Cutting Edge (Crimson)
  • Improve Librem 5 Battery Life
  • Improving Bluetooth and GPS
  • Making the Camera Point and Shoot
  • PureOS to Feature Firefox as Default Web Browser
  • New Improvements to End to End Encryption for Calls and Chat

Personally, my top priorities woud be:

  • Upgrade to Crimson for the Librem 5
  • Stability and robustness of the core (kernel, firmware, drivers, data connections, gps) of the Librem 5

That is something I would like to know.

If you put a subscription in the shopping cart it mentions renewal after a year. Is one year the minimum commitment? Does that mean you have to renew manually or does it happen automatically?

I want to know the terms before I subscribe.


I see a Cancel button on my subscription:


Or milestones of the roadmap :

Those are all worthwhile targets. I’d put “Keep up with the changing world around you” on the very top though. Activities like that are low profile but important (and would resolve a large amount of complains raised in the forums and elsewhere). I’d use these priorities:

  1. keep up with kernel releases (which means going from 6.6. to 6.10) and then keep up (to be able to leverage advancements there)
  2. keep up with Debian releases (which means going from Bullseye to Bookworm and have a working / installable suite tracking Trixie to not fall behind as this matures to have a variant available once Trixie releases thus lowering the backporting burden and benefiting from what Debian already ships
  3. keep up with Upstream software releases (GNOME, Phosh, Pipewire, libcamera, …)) backporting important components affecting mobile again benefiting from what improved and improves there.

All of these fit a subscription model nicely as it’s continuous maintenance work. It would also make the PureOS distribution become a more attractive target for Linux Mobile development thus opening the possibilities to attract more contributors.

Next up would be

  1. Mainline remaining kernel bits so 1. becomes simpler

Once you can go with the flow tackling the roadmap will become so much easier as you have an up to date environment and can leverage what is there easily. Having worked on all of the above in the past I’d say that this requires a fair amount of continuous subscriptions but it would do wonders for users and developers.

EDIT: I certainly hope i vastly underestimate the amount of subscriptions and there will be enough to tackle everything at once :smile:


I just subscribed at the Premium level because I realize that FOSS only progresses at a certain pace, based on the goodwill, spare time and motivation of those who create those OS versions or applications. If I want progress to happen at a faster pace, I should be willing to help fund the resources that can be expected to devote their time and energy to effect rapid changes and new innovation.
When I see the surveillance-state software being applied to the mainstream hardware devices from Apple, Microsoft and Google, I am more encouraged than ever to support the development of alternative operating systems and applications the goals for which are not the monetization of every interaction I have with the rest of humanity.
I urge other to join me.


I chose a Purism product because it advances my freedom. I would be more comfortable having Linux-libre for the kernel, no systemd, and Guix as the only package manager. I have not found yet how to achieve that on a Librem 5. I use PureOS instead. However, this brings me closer to what I prefer, not further away.

PureOS must be polished to be attractive to Purism customers and maintain an opportunity for the free software community to grow. Funding such an opportunity is ethical.

Considering that, it is reasonable to pay for PureOS development and maintenance while using it. Would you agree?