i see the security default in PureOS implemented in 2018 heres the link: ⚓ T310 Check what can be used from Subgraph project. and i also see that pureos copy other subgraph security and implement in pureos and in 2023 the subgraph seems discontinued. my concern is the the grsecurity/pax is close source since 2017: Grsecurity goes private [LWN.net]. does it affect the Default Pureos Security?
because pureos use exect shield also use ASLR:Security Technologies: ExecShield. and i know that ASLR is part of grsecurity/pax
the reason i want to know this if it affect the pureos because i have plan to use pureos on my daily driver. in my desktop-pc PUREOS is perfect for my only include open source driverss etc