PureOS Security Defaults Concern!

i see the security default in PureOS implemented in 2018 heres the link: ⚓ T310 Check what can be used from Subgraph project. and i also see that pureos copy other subgraph security and implement in pureos and in 2023 the subgraph seems discontinued. my concern is the the grsecurity/pax is close source since 2017: Grsecurity goes private [LWN.net]. does it affect the Default Pureos Security?

because pureos use exect shield also use ASLR:Security Technologies: ExecShield. and i know that ASLR is part of grsecurity/pax

the reason i want to know this if it affect the pureos because i have plan to use pureos on my daily driver. in my desktop-pc PUREOS is perfect for my only include open source driverss etc

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I would think that ASLR has been a standard part of most kernels for decades.

I would think the bottom line is that … if it’s in PureOS, it’s open source. If some component somehow manages to go from being open source to being closed source then that component would have to be ripped out.

Maybe your best option is to install PureOS on an external drive and then you can check for yourself what components are in.