Received my Librem 14 but PureBoot bundle not included

I received my new laptop today.

The Librem Key and USB drive don’t appear to be in the package.

Is it possible these shipped separately?

Is it a problem if I tried to boot without the key?

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If you ordered PureBoot Bundle Plus or Anti-Interdiction, the Librem Key will ship first, then the Librem Key and Vault later. Otherwise, everything should be shipped together.

That depends on your threat model.

Okay. When I tried to boot up (I have Qubes) well, nothing really happened.

I’ve watched boot up videos and nothing like those videos happened on my laptop.

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I’ll wait to hear from support. I ordered everything together in a bundle. Shipping order that came with laptop even says it was there - but it was not.

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Seems your Laptop come from new Batch so for the Record can you Share a photo of backside of Librem 14?


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Support has informed me that they have reached out to you but have not received a response. Is this still an outstanding issue?