Recent Phosh updates causing odd problem

I think I know what it was for me. I installed Gnome-settings manager based on a recent post. I did not like it and purged it from the APT package manager. However, for whatever reason, GDM remained as a default in some capacity.

Yes, it’s packaged and used on laptops. It’s not used on phones.

Check /var/log/apt/.

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checked the apt and dpkg logs no gdm mention so not sure. I installed libglib2.0 but it doesnt list that it installed gdm3.

Is it safe to remove gdm3 from the L5?

I think Gnome-Tweaks installed it.

huh i don’t see the gdm3 in the dependency list though, how did you figure out that is what installed gdm3?

Oh wait it is through the dependency with dependency which requires gdm3 package, good catch my friend!

Oddly enough gnome-tweaks works just fine without gdm3! Lesson learned here since a lot or most users install gnome-tweaks on their L5 is to then un-install gdm3.