I’m trying to run imx6.img
from [arm01.puri.sm/job/Images/job/Image Build/527/](http://arm01.puri.sm/job/Images/job/Image Build/527/) following the instructions here https://developer.puri.sm/Boards/qemu.html. I have installed the following QEMU packages.
and for Gnome Boxes
I downloaded the imx6.img.xz
file and unpacked it with unxz imx6.img.xz
. In Gnome Boxes I selected “New” and the imx6.img
file. I went with the suggested memory of 2 GB in setup. Once done I clicked “Start button” for imx6 in Gnome Boxes.
Gnome Boxes returns a message saying “Faild to start “imx6” Toubleshooting log”.
UPDATE 1 This was solved by adding my user to the kvm
group with usermod -a -G kvm username
UPDATE 2 I downloaded the wrong image. There is two images built each day. Make sure you get the qemu-x86_64.img.xz
. Looking at https://arm01.puri.sm/job/Images/job/Image%20Build/ there is two successful builds one for x86_64
and one for imx6
. Hover over the download button (the blue circle) and it is possible to see the two build.